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HARRY POTTER Tumblr Imagines the Life of a Muggle IT Guy at Hogwarts

When I rewatch the Harry Potter films or reread the books, I can’t help but wonder about the wifi situation. I’m addicted to having a wireless connection, so I automatically panic on behalf of others–even fictional others–when I see they aren’t connected, plugged in, etc. 24/7. Even the Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry has to join the 21st century, and someone has imagined what it would be like if the current headmaster decided to embrace technology and created a Tumblr to document the progress. The Setup Wizard tells the story of Jonathan Dart, the new IT guy at Hogwarts. He’s a muggle and is balancing the shock of learning about the existence of “wizarding world” with the struggles of trying to tell the headmaster the “Alohomora” spell can’t unlock his laptop. Guys. This is my sort of fan fiction.

Jonathan explains: “You read that correctly. It took them until 2016, but both students and staff alike have finally caved and demanded that their cell phones work on school grounds, and with that request they had to find a ‘muggle’ (a term I’m quickly learning to detest) to install wifi and maintain any technology that functions on school grounds.”

Some excerpts:

He has hilarious encounters with moving staircases, ghosts, and the children belonging to House Slytherin. Jonathan’s posts will make Potterheads smile and laugh and desperately wish they could join his IT team. Catch up with Jonathan’s experiences at Hogwarts from the beginning on Tumblr. Yes, it is worth your time to read every entry.

What do you think would be the biggest challenges of being a muggle in IT at Hogwarts? Let me know in the comments.

HT: Radio Times
IMAGE: Warner Bros.

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