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Magical Dog Only Responds to HARRY POTTER Spells

Until now there have only ever been two types of dogs: “good dogs” and “very good dogs.” Well now we have a third type to add to the list: “magical dogs.” Because there’s no other way to describe this black lab who only responds to Harry Potter spells.

UNILAD Film shared this brief video on their Facebook page of this beautiful little fella who has either a) been trained by a huge Harry Potter fan, b) is really an Animagus, or c) was enrolled at the dog school equivalent of Hogwarts. Honestly, we can’t even handle how adorable this doggo is, and his name better be either Harry Pupper or Padfoot.

Just to review what we just watched: Alohomora is the unlocking charm and he opened the door, Expelliarmus is the disarming charm and he dropped his bone, Accio is the summoning charm and he went and got his ball, and, the greatest thing we have ever seen, he played dead when he was hit with Avada Kedavra.

He played dead when he heard Avada Kedavra.

This pup made the Killing Curse the cutest thing in both the wizarding and muggle worlds. That’s why we needed a new category for this guy. “Very good” just isn’t enough to explain how magical he is.

What other Harry Potter spells do you think this dog should be trained to follow? Which ones, like the Cruciatus Curse, should he never be taught? Cast your own very good ideas in our comments section below.

Featured Image: Warner Bros. Studios

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