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HARRY POTTER’s Very Own Letter to Hogwarts Can Be Yours

It’s a hard day in a Muggle’s life when they finally stop lying to themselves and admit they will never get a letter to Hogwarts. That’s what made my 29th birthday so tough. But while none of us will ever get to be a student at Harry Potter’s whimsical wizarding school, we now have a chance to get a very special acceptance letter from the school anyway, the exact one Mr. Potter himself received way back when.

A new auction from the movie collectibles site Prop Store (which we learned about at Time) has put up for bid a sealed letter Harry was sent in The Sorcerer’s Stone. This is an actual prop used by Daniel Radcliffe telling Harry he was invited to attend Hogwarts.

“The envelope is made from marble-effect paper, with Harry’s address printed in green on the front of the envelope, and the Hogwarts crest on the reverse. The hero envelope features a real red-wax Hogwarts seal, unlike the many entirely printed versions that were also used in the scene. The envelope remains sealed with a letter seemingly contained within.”

The opening to bid on it is £1,500 (just under $2,000 American), but they are expecting to get between £3,000 and £5,000. You can bid online until September 26th when they will host a live auction. No word on if the winning bidder can demand it be sent by owl.

We’ll always be disappointed we didn’t get our own letter to Hogwarts, but owning Harry Potter’s would be a pretty nice consolation prize. What other Harry Potter prop would you most like to own? Tell us in the comments below.

Featured Image: Warner Bros. Studios
Body Images: Prop Store

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