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Happy Valentine’s Day, Love Radiohead

While you were sleeping, a king arrived.

At 1:30AM PST, Radiohead announced their new album The King of Limbs. The album is available for pre-order to arrive on the 19th of this month. As in THIS Saturday. The King of Limbs will be released digitally in two formats, 320K mp3 ($9) and wav ($14). If that isn’t enough for you, there is also a Newspaper Album.

Wait. What in the heck is a Newspaper Album? According to Radiohead it will comprise of:

  • Two clear 10″ vinyl records in a purpose-built record sleeve.
  • A CD.
  • Many large sheets of artwork, 625 tiny pieces of artwork and a full-colour piece of oxo-degradeable plastic to hold it all together. (You make the art! Sort of.)
  • The digital download.

The Newspaper Album ships on Monday May 9th with shipping included for $48 in mp3 and $53 for wav. The downloads is still available on the 19th.

One last surprise – someone who downloads the album from their site will receive a signed 2 track 12″ vinyl.

Could there be a better Valentine’s Day gift? NO WAY, JOSÉ! Not to me!

Pre-order The King of Limbs HERE!

Follow Matthew on Twitter.

Image: Radiohead

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  1. Tusk says:

    Yes, good news indeed.

  2. Matthew Grosinger says:

    sick sick sick sick sick sick
    Also, props to Arcade fire. Good week for good music

  3. Ro says:

    Did aynone else try this and it didn’t work? I went to the americas site and 2 times it told me it wouldnt take my card

  4. MaxL says:

    HOLY HELL!! Dude, this is plain amazing.

  5. jtc2112 says:

    Let’s hope they actually rock on this. Or maybe just droning music with wailing monotone singing.

  6. Louis says:



    Best news I’ve had all day!

  7. Wesley Marshall says:

    OMG!! Thank you for posting this!!!