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NERDIST NEWS TALKS BACK’s Main Halloween Topic: Murder!

On Nerdist News Talks Back we discuss the biggest pop culture topics of the day, but even though on today’s Halloween show we broke down the latest from The Last Jedi and The Flash standalone film, did a full video game roundup, and announced the ultimate winner of our Monster Madness Bracket, there was one pressing issue we had to deal with on this Nerdoween edition: murder! So many murders!

And that means we had a good old-fashioned murder mystery on our hands!

Joining host Jessica Chobot today was a continuous supply of guests/victims from Nerdist, Geek and Sundry, and Alpha. Because while we were busy chatting about the latest from Star Wars, the future of the DCEU, and the world of video games, a mad killer was on the loose–live–in the studio. But fear not, because our very own Rob Paulsen from Talkin’ Toons was on the scene to find the culprit. Although it turns out he is better at making detective name puns than he is at finding a murderer.

I should have known! It was obviousl–oh God! No! I’m sorry, I won’t give away the killer’s identity before people have a chance to watch. Please no! I have kids….toys. I have kids toys and need to make sure no one opens them because they’ll lose all their val–

Editor’s Note: Our writer is fiiiiiine. Totally fine. But, uh, we’re just going to finish this for him because he’s busy…being alive. Busy being alive.

In addition to the killer, we were also able to reveal something else huge today, because after thousands of votes from all of you this month, we now know who the biggest, baddest monster of them all is. The title went to Cthulhu, who defeated Godzilla in the championship round in pretty convincing fashion.

Although maybe we should have a bonus round with our Nerdist News Talks Back killer to see who would win that matchup.

Just like it is every weekday, the show was live at 1:00 p.m. PT on our YouTube and Alpha channels. Normally there aren’t as many murders during the show (the previous death total for a single show was a very reasonable three), but what does happen every day is that you can get in on the conversation with us.

Please watch live in case you-know-who strikes again. We’ll need witnesses to testify at the trial.

Who did you think the killer was? And what about the non-murder-related topics of the day? Talk back to us about all of it in the comments section below.

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