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GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY Animated Series Offers Origins Of Groot

Last week we got a chance to see the first meeting between Yondu and Peter Quill in the forthcoming Disney XD series for Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy. Now, it seems they are looking to introduce us to all of the Guardians in a similar manner. This week brings us a look at Groot, and an origin that James Gunn’s film adaptation felt we could do just fine without. Part One is linked above, and check out the second part below.

It seems in XD’s version of Guardians, Groot hails from a planet that Rocket Racoon simply refers to as Planet X, where he and his race of sentient tree-people—all of whom refer to themselves as Groot—are born from a single glowing seed known as The World Pod. It seems when Groot was young, Planet X was destroyed by Ronin The Accuser, killing all of his people as well as destroying The World Pod. Luckily it seems Yondu and the Ravegers were near by when this happened, as they took the opportunity to pick up young Groot, now the last of his kind, and take off before Ronin noticed. It is here Groot meets a Racoon mother and her young, one of whom we can assume will be named Rocket one day soon.

This varies a bit compared to the origins seen in the Marvel comic books. The comics origin—also on Planet X—mentions nothing of a world pod, but instead sees Groot’s people raising their young and teaching them the knowledge of their people through an alien form of photosynthesis. Groot’s people are also served by small mammals known as “maintenance mammals,” which led to Groot’s introduction to Rocket, and his leaving his planet (after he killed another young sapling for brutalizing Rocket).

With the series being aimed at younger kids, it makes sense they would give Groot a personal reason to want revenge against Ronin, while also avoiding the idea of him killing another child in his youth. If Disney is in fact following a weekly release schedule with these origin stories, we can look forward to another next weekend.

What do you think of this new origin for Groot? Let us know in the comments below!

HT: i09

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