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GOTHAM’s Cast Drops Hints About the Court of Owls

When Scott Snyder took over writing the Batman comic, he introduced some fascinating new storylines for the Dark Knight, and they all looked particularly chilling with the gorgeous art by Greg Capullo. And right out the gate, the pair gave us the fabulous “Court of Owls” arc, giving Gotham City a brand new and terrifying bad guy sect. It’s a testament to the power of the Owls that they’ve been added to the fray of Gotham, and will play a major part in the upcoming third season. We spoke to the cast during San Diego Comic-Con about all the Owly goodness.

Naturally, they aren’t allowed to say too much, but the major talking point from many of the cast seems to be that the Court of Owls will be the unseen puppet masters working behind the scenes, pulling all the strings of the crime-ridden city. A secret, shadowy entity—like an avian-masked Illuminati. It seems to creep out many members of the cast, including Sean Pertwee (Alfred Pennyworth), Carmen Bicondova (Selina Kyle), and Robin Lord Taylor (Oswald Cobblepot). David Masouz (Bruce Wayne) is excited to see how Bruce—who was an early realizer of the Court’s clandestine goings-on—will get to deal with them, and make others believe.

Executive Producer John Stephens promises a bit of Owls in the early part of the year in season 3, but a lot more by the end. It’s going to be something really exciting for fans of the villain-heavy Gotham universe. We can’t wait to see more!

Image: Fox

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