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GOTHAM Recap: ‘Azrael’ Brings Back an Old Villain

Gotham‘s got a new crazy murderer roaming the streets, and he’s gunning for Gordon! Fox’s DC Comics drama brought Theo Galavan back from the dead in the last episode, and while the rest of the city knows their ex-mayor is alive and running around wearing a cape and bizarre armor, he’s not so sure of his own identity, thanks to Hugo Strange.

This week’s episode, “Azrael,” picked up right where the last hour left off: with Theo’s miraculous resurrection deep in the bowels of Indian Hill in Arkham with Strange and Ms. Peabody watching from behind a glass window. But since his psyche can’t reconcile coming back from the dead, his mind splintered. I believe the technical term for his kind of crazy is downright batshit, right? But Hugo Strange and Ms. Peabody were interrupted from admiring their new project by Jim Gordon, who showed up to Arkham to question Strange about Pinewood Farms. However, despite Gordon having a pretty clear idea that Strange was behind everything, including the Wayne murders, Strange managed to turn the interrogation into a cruel analysis of Gordon’s life. But Gordon used a fake court order to trick Strange into revealing that Victor Fries was somehow still alive, so the tables have turned! Never underestimate Gordon, Strange.

In the more official, on-the-record part of Arkham, Ed Nygma somehow found himself to be the psychotic criminal whisperer, breaking up fights left and right between the other inmates. And he also saw an opportunity to help himself when he overheard Strange complaining about how Gordon can’t be bribed. He offered his services to help take Gordon down because he knew everything about his old nemesis. His offer was rejected but his words actually helped Strange figure out how to help the newly resurrected Theo: by giving him a story!


Goodbye Theo Galavan, and hello Azrael, a fabled 12th century knight from the Dumas history, since that’s all Theo could remember in his messy state. Azrael died in battle and had been brought back to life by a saint, and that’s why Theo could reconcile death and resurrection with this new character. Strange and Peabody decided to test their new Azrael project out on the streets of Gotham, so Strange gave Azrael a sword and a new mission: kill Jim Gordon.

Meanwhile, Gordon and Bullock took their findings about Strange to Bruce, who started to show a little bit of his future alter ego when he became frustrated that he couldn’t get justice on Strange for his parents’ murders without getting tied up in legal red tape. Bruce was sick of people bending and breaking the law to hurt people, and not getting justice for them because of the limitations of bureaucracy. Sounds like someone is starting on the path to becoming Batman …

Gordon, Bullock and Bruce then went straight to Captain Barnes to try to tell him the truth about Strange, Pinewood and the Wayne murders, but since the story was a bit far-fetched, he didn’t believe it. But he didn’t have too much time to think it over before Azrael found them, and attacked Gordon. Bullock and the rest of the GCPD saved Gordon and Barnes by opening fire on the caped vigilante, but not before Bruce seemed intrigued by a man wearing a cape and bullet-proof armor escaping by scaling the side of a building. Foreshadowing? Maybe. Probably. Definitely.


Back at the GCPD, Barnes put Gordon in lockup, just so he could keep him safe from Azrael (and since he couldn’t order him to do anything anymore since he isn’t exactly a cop). But that didn’t work out too well, since Azrael broke into the GCPD, cut the power and started killing officers left and right until they gave up Gordon. Barnes and Gordon were shocked when Azrael turned out to be bullet proof, so Barnes went up to the roof while Gordon found a bigger gun to take him down.

Up on the roof, Barnes used a pipe to break Azrael’s sword in half, and he knocked off his mask to finally see “Azrael’s” face. Barnes couldn’t believe it was Theo Galavan, since he knew the ex-mayor was dead, and in his shock, he paused, allowing Azrael to stab and kill Barnes with his broken sword. RIP Barnes! We’ll definitely (maybe) miss your strict adherence to the law, no matter how annoying it was. Unless you somehow make it to the hospital and survive surgery? But that’s unlikely.

Gordon came up to the roof just in time to see Azrael stab Barnes and to see Theo’s face, and so he shot him point blank with a shotgun until Azrael fell off the roof. All the news cameras stationed outside the GCPD caught Azrael/Galavan on camera, officially blowing his cover. Butch and Tabitha saw his face on the news, as did Penguin (who is even crazier now than he was before his sanity sabbatical) and Bruce and Alfred. The city of Gotham is getting crazy, y’all!


Meanwhile, when Strange and Ms. Peabody took an inmate from Arkham to test on Azrael (who ended up killing the other inmate), Nygma was able to escape his cell and discovered the secret entrance to Indian Hill. He wanted to use it to escape Arkham, not knowing where it led, and instead, he found himself deep inside Indian Hill. How much do you want to bet he’s going to let some of those other projects out of their cells before they’re ready? Yikes.

What did you think of “Azrael,” Gotham fans? How much chaos is Nygma going to cause in Arkham? Will Azrael ever remember his old life as Theo Galavan? Tweet me your thoughts and predictions at @SydneyBucksbaum!

Images: Fox

Gotham airs Mondays at 8 p.m. on Fox.

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