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GOD OF WAR Is Back, Watch the Gameplay Trailer Here!

Sony has a knack for theatrics. As the crowd trickled into the PlayStation E3 press conference venue, orchestra music began to reverberate through the Shrine Auditorium. It was loud, beautiful, and undoubtedly the classic God of War tune. As the curtains parted, we got a look at an icy land and a young boy. But then, out of the shadows emerged a bearded man–Kratos. Ladies and gentlemen, God of War is back. Feast your eyes on the reveal gameplay trailer above!

The title is simply God of War, suggesting that this is a reboot of sorts. Also, the rumors that Kratos will be facing the Norse gods this time around seems to be accurate. Sony has yet to explicitly confirm this, but the setting and even the title’s text reflect this transition.

The gameplay also looks like classic-GoW action-adventure. But this time around, Kratos is wielding a magical axe that he can toss around like Captain America’s shield. The most mysterious aspect of the whole trailer, however, is the young boy who is tagging along with the God of war. We know the new character is the son of our protagonist, but what is his importance? We can’t wait to find out.

As expected big baddies will make an appearance for you to unleash all of your combos on. Now the wait begins. Oh and one more thing, dragons showed up at the end of the clip! The hype for this game is real, everybody!

Did you guys like the gameplay trailer? Are you a fan of the GoW series? How do you want this franchise to change? Let us know in the comments section below!

Image: PlayStation

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