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Go: Joel Hodgson in Phoenixville, PA Saturday Night

Say, what are YOU doing after the world ends? If you’re in the mid-Atlantic states — let’s put it this way, if you’re within a short drive of a Wawa — and you’re still ambulatory, you should be heading to Phoenixville, PA (motto: If You See The Nuclear Plant, You Missed Our Exit) to see Friend of Nerdist Joel Hodgson as he performs his one-man show Riffing Myself at the Colonial Theater on Saturday night, December 22nd at 8 pm.

This is a return to the Colonial (site of the memorable oozing-through-the-projection-booth scene in the original version of The Blob and home of the annual Blobfest) for Joel, who performed there in October, and it will include Joel talking about the origins of Mystery Science Theater 3000 and his other shows and pilots, his amazing career (with photos, videos, documents and notebook pages from Joel’s personal collection), and other stuff, plus a Q&A, and it’s all followed by a screening of the seasonally-appropriate MST3K version of Santa Claus Conquers the Martians, perhaps Pia Zadora’s finest hour.

So, go. Get tickets by clicking here. Let’s assume that the world isn’t ending on Friday. At least, buy some tickets just in case we’re all still around.



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