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GO! and Grab These Mego-Style NEW TEEN TITANS Figures

It’s time for DC’s Titans to come together in a brand new toyline from Figures Toy Company! The first four MEGO inspired 8-inch action figures of the New Teen Titans have finally been unveiled, and they’re said to be on track for a release in July.

The initial lineup of figures will be Nightwing, Starfire, Cyborg, and Raven, but those of you who are more familiar with the Teen Titans animated series on Cartoon Network may not recognize these versions of the characters. Hard as it might be to believe, there was a time in the early ’80s when the New Teen Titans rivaled the X-Men in popularity. Writer Marv Wolfman and artist George Perez gave the team a much needed push forward during their iconic run on the Titans’ comic book series.

Dick Grayson as Nightwing, Disco collar included.

Which brings us to Nightwing, and his ridiculous Disco collar. Wolfman and Perez were the ones who created the story in which Dick Grayson abandoned his alter ego as Robin and became Nightwing. That happened in 1984, and let’s just say that not every design element is gonna pass the test of time.

Koriand'r a.k.a. Starfire, one of the characters created for the New Teen Titans.

Next up is a conservative version of Starfire’s ’80s outfit, but it has her extremely long, flowing hair. You can see the designs for Cyborg and Raven in our gallery below, and both of those figures appear to be fairly close to their comic book counterparts from that early ’80s era.

As for this particular style of action figure, MEGOs were one of the biggest toylines of the ’70s. Both Marvel and DC had their most popular characters released as MEGOs until the company went under in 1983. So it’s fitting that Figures Toy Company is giving us the New Teen Titans figures that we should have gotten 30 years ago from MEGO itself!

Titans Together!

Who should be in the next series of New Teen Titans figures from Figures Toy Company? Assuming that there is a second series, the packaging appears to suggest that Wonder Girl, Changeling/Beast Boy, and Jericho would be on the agenda. Beyond that, we’d love to see Deathstroke the Terminator, Trigon, Kid Flash, Terra, Brother Blood, Speedy, Aqualad, Aquagirl, and Bumblebee as well as the first duo to call themselves Hawk and Dove.

The first series of New Teen Titans action figures is currently available for preorder on Figure Toy Company’s official site.

Are you excited about the New Teen Titans action figures? Which characters do you want to see in this toyline? Let us know in the comment section below!

Featured Image: DC Comics

Images: Figures Toy Company


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