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GIFtastic TV: Scenes from LEGENDS, ONCE UPON A TIME, and More

In case you haven’t noticed, most of the CW’s schedule is on a break. They’ll be back soon, but their absence doesn’t mean there’s a shortage of GIFs to enjoy in this week’s GIFtastic TV. I’ve rounded up a few GIFs from the last seven days of television for you to save and use when the occasion is fitting. I have images to cover rage, happiness, and being annoyed.

1. Charmed, I’m Sure

Sara Lance has smiled much more since she was resurrected from the dead, and her personality has been given the chance to shine in Legends of Tomorrow. The most recent episode featured her being rather darn precious.
Use this GIF when: You’re feeling pleased.
[via Captain Canary]

And because you can always use one more eye roll GIF:

[via LOT Source]

2. A Subtle Nod

Downton Abbey’s Carson isn’t the most emotional of people. At all. This expression of thanks to Lord Grantham in the drama’s series finale was about as animated as he ever got.
Use this GIF when: You’re feeling grateful but don’t want to go overboard with gratitude.
[via Kelly Woo]

3. Showing Dedication

Oh, Bellamy. The tortured young adult came to a realization on the most recent episode of The 100. He’s made some awful decisions, but when it comes to doing what he thinks is best for his people, he considers it every day. Aww.
Use this GIF when: You need to tell someone how committed you are.
[via Annie]

4. So Much Rage

No does moody Hulk-like anger like the Evil Queen in Once Upon a Time. Regina was all sorts of ticked during her birthday party, and it meant a plethora of GIFs of her making the most rage-filled faces.
Use these GIFs when: You’re so angry that your eyes are bulging out of your head.
[via Mar and csenge]

Have any scenes you giffed or gif-ed (yep, it’s a verb) and saved this week? Share links in the comments or hit me up on Twitter.


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