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Get Your First Look at GOTHAM’s Harvey Dent

Now moving past the days of its pilot, Fox’s Gotham has slowly been building itself into a formidable television force, especially this week, where it delivered its most well constructed and acted episode of the season. Now with a full 22-episode order for the rest of the year, all eyes are now turning to the Batman Rogues Gallery to see who will fill the extra 6 episodes that must now be scripted. However, while there are many, there’s one character we already know that’s made the cut, and now thank to EW, we have our first look at him.

Pictured above is one Nicholas D’Agosto as Gotham’s Harvey Dent, a/k/a the man that will one day come to be known as Two-Face. According to the outlet, Gotham’s dent is characterized as a “bright, charming, idealistic Assistant District Attorney whose sole mission is to eradicate the crime and corruption that has poisoned Gotham. Handsome, warm, and engaging, Dent is appealing, energetic, and full of light and life, even while taking on the worst Gotham has to offer. Although he will one day serve as the white knight Gotham needs so badly, Harvey Dent also gives us a fleeting glimpse of the hideous villain he will become — Two-Face.”

Based on that description, it sounds like Gotham’s Dent will have much more in common with his Dark Knight counterpart than his Batman & Robin version – we can probably thank the Green Lantern Corps for that one. Seriously though, as we watch Robin Lord Taylor’s Penguin slowly rise through the ranks of Gotham’s criminal underworld, it’s going to be interesting to watch that journey paralleled on the white knight side of the law with Harvey.

Gotham airs Mondays at 8/7c on Fox.

What do you think of this first look at Harvey Dent? Let us know in the comments below.

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  1. Littlewolf says:

    Adam T…go back and watch Batman Forever again. They repeatedly refer to Two-Face as Harvey Two-Face never Harvey Dent…that being the case he could still have been Harvey Dent, and not be the same character. As for everyone complaining about continuity and ages. Assuming Bruce puts on the suit at age 18 a 10-12 year difference isn’t a huge difference, I would expect to see Bruce finding a way to start fight crime before he is Batman. 

  2. Oh good, I was worried he wouldnt be a 19 year old underwear model

  3. Nich_Hustler says:

    The only part of this show that irritates me is that I wish they would just call their forensics guy Ed. Ha ha.

    I was on the fence a little but the last three episodes have been tops. One of the things I love especially is this line from Bruce while building up his crime board “I wan’t to understand how it all works”. This makes sense to me. No wonder Batman is so damn good in Gotham, he knows it intimately; he has sincehe was young. Having Gotham’s criminal’s have a history makes sense to me. More of this show makes sense than doesn’t.

    Anyone complaining about continuity… SHUT UP #elseworlds

    This isn’t the same universe as whichever Batman is “your” batman he exists in another universe untouched by the continuity of this one interpretation. If Harvey is Bruce’s age in another universe he doesn’t have to be in this one. If you can’t grasp that, then you can’t grasp a basic premise on which comics are founded. You can leave.

  4. Nich Hustler says:

    The only part of this show that irritates me is that I wish they would just call their forensics guy Ed. Ha ha. 

    I was on the fence a little but the last three episodes have been tops. One of the things I love especially is this line from Bruce while building up his crime board “I wan’t to understand how it all works”. This makes sense to me. No wonder Batman is so damn good in Gotham, he knows it intimately; he has sincehe was young. Having Gotham’s criminal’s have a history makes sense to me. More of this show makes sense than doesn’t. 

    Anyone complaining about continuity… SHUT UP #elseworlds

    This isn’t the same universe as whichever Batman is “your” batman he exists in another universe untouched by the continuity of this one interpretation. If Harvey is Bruce’s age in another universe he doesn’t have to be in this one. If you can’t grasp that, then you can’t grasp a basic premise on which comics are founded. You can leave. 

  5. Gotham airs at 8? I had assumed it was later, what with Penguin murdering everyone all the time.

    I am really enjoying the show, but I wish that the show were more about Gotham, and how it descended into such chaos that it needs a costumed hero like Batman; with a few nods to Batman villains (like the Venom episode). I wish it would stop trying to cram in as many Batman villains as possible.

  6. TheDemko says:

    I am getting extremely tired of hearing people harp on and on about how this show is straying so far away from the established Batman canon, and yet, slaver over a show like Arrow, that has basically thrown canon out the window. Can’t people just enjoy the show for what it *IS*, instead of lamenting what they think it SHOULD be? The show is doing a fine job of developing characters… and I think that really is the whole point of the show.
    Who the hell cares if Harvey Dent is 15 years older than Bruce Wayne? Does that change the core of Batman’s story? Not in the least, in my opinion.

  7. This guy says:

    GODAMITALLTOHELL! Stop introducing the whole rogues’ gallery before Bruce Wayne is even old enough to drive! (Though if Batman were only fighting criminals 15 to 20 years his senior it might explain why is always wins) I watch the show and then get all bent out of shape at how it totally messes with the continuity. Then again, I did the same thing with the total shit-show that was Smallville and that show was a big enough hit that it lasted for how long? 8 seasons or so.

  8. Eric says:

    Harvey dent I thought was around the samw age as Bruce Wayne not older. 

  9. i can under stand introducing some characters but damn isnt 2 face the same age as bruce 

  10. Adam T. says:

    Batman Forever featured Two-Face (and an incredible transformation from Billy Dee Williams’ Harvey Dent into Tommy Lee Jones, at that). I wouldn’t post such a pedagogical detail were it not on NERDIST. I suppose Nerdist doesn’t have to be nerdest, though.

  11. Kody says:

    I gave up on Gotham after ep 3.  I love the Batverse, love the characters.  But can’t wrap my head around introducing every single villain and ally while Bruce is still a kid.  I guess it makes kind of sense; when he finally puts on the cape and cowl, Bats doesn’t have to be the greatest martial artist in the world, he’s just kicking the ass of old people.

    • kennyboy019 says:

      I never understood why someone would abandon a show after just a few episodes, then try to use that as proof of how bad the show is. It’s really began to come into it’s own in the last few episodes. 

      • CubanRefugee says:

        People like to hate just for the sake of hating.

        • Chris says:

          I tend to stop a show after three episodes if I’m not enjoying it. Then again, i don’t go out of my way to say the show is horrible after I do that. I wait until asked and say, “Oh, I just didn’t enjoy it.”

      • asianjihad says:

        With the way network shows work, the first few episodes are always chaotic and over-bloated because they’re trying to show the execs the potential of a multi-season show before they get canned.  Dropping a brand new series after 3 episodes makes absolutely no sense as a viewer, unless it’s a complete flop.  Those episodes are only half for us anyway.  I always wait a half season if it’s a premise that interests me.