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Get an Exclusive STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS Poster From AMC Theaters

Did you give up when tickets went on sale for The Force Awakens and the internet broke? Or are you planning on seeing the film two or thirty times anyway? If so, you might want to hold off on purchasing your tickets for awhile, because you just might want to nab an exclusive poster from AMC Theaters.

Anyone that purchases a ticket to see Star Wars Episode VII in IMAX 3D from AMC on any Sunday from December 20th until January 10th will get an exclusive print from the movie, as part of their “Star Wars Sundays” promotion. They just released the first of four, and it is a beautiful drawing from Dan Mumford of Rey and BB-8 looking over the destruction from the Battle of Jakku as the setting sun strikes the downed Imperial Star Destroyers with an orange glow.


It looks as though Rey’s speeder is also behind her, and that fallen X-Wing in the middle of the poster somehow feels sadder since it is pointing up, rather than looking like it crashed, as though it is ready for a takeoff it will never make.

The timeframe for the promotion covers four Sundays (December 20th and 27th, and January 3 and 10th), so it’s possible you’ll need to go all four days to get all four posters (at least if you hope to avoid eBay).

We’ll keep an eye out when they release the next three.

What do you think of this print? Let your thoughts awaken in the galaxy of our comments section.


Image: AMC Theaters/Dan Mumford

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