In what can only be described as incredibly disappointing news, George Miller has said we can no longer expect him to carry us to the gates of Valhalla. In other words, he will not be making any more Mad Max movies.
Oh, what a day. What a horrible day.
According to Page Six, the Fury Road director said the films in his signature franchise are too complicated to make, and he has decided he isn’t interested in investing the time needed anymore. “Those ‘Mad Maxes’ take forever. I won’t do those anymore,†Miller said. The stories about Fury Road‘s complicated and time-consuming nature are well known, but… I mean, it was so freaking amazing. So wasn’t it worth it?
Maybe if he had won the Golden Globe on Sunday night for best director (which he deserved), Miller would feel differently now. But who knows. The director had said he would be working on something a little bit easier for his next film, but that there were plans for future Mad Max movies (at least two), even mentioning story ideas. This is why this news is not only a major letdown, but also surprising.
We all know, this being Hollywood, that no movie is ever truly dead… especially when there’s money to be made. But could someone else helm our favorite dystopian desert franchise besides Miller? The director could also change his mind after he’s been removed from the arduous process of making the films for a bit. Time tends to soften the difficulties of such endeavors… I hope.
So, while we don’t like to hear this report, we’ll still hold out hope that he will return to make everything shiny and chrome once more. The world always needs a little madness.
Would you want a Mad Max film without George Miller directing it? Tell us in the comments below.
Image: Warner Brothers