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Gaming Daily: Watch 5 Minutes of RESIDENT EVIL: UMBRELLA CORPS Gameplay

Fridays are always special, but this one in particular is a bit more exciting with the launch of Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection. This package includes 3 great games that I can’t wait to play once again. Despite having a ton of games to go through, they will have to come second to the magical adventures of Nathan Drake and friends. Now, before you are off in your merry way to play the game, let’s discuss some news. In today’s Gaming Daily, get a look at Resident Evil: Umbrella Corps, LEGO Marvel Avengers looks like a total blast, Hoopa will soon be available in select Pokémon games, and Nintendo will no longer be adding Game Boy games to the 3DS Virtual Console.

Resident Evil Umbrella Corps

Watch 5 minutes of Resident Evil: Umbrella Corps.

Resident Evil: Umbrella Corps is set to release early next year on PS4 and PC, and it seems like Capcom is going to begin to show off the title to stir up some hype. The company released a short video of a 3 vs. 3 one life per match mode played by Capcom Japan to give fans a glimpse of the action. This title has already had a lot of shade thrown its way, and the company has been criticized for trying to turn the RE series into something it is not. With that being said, the e-sport commentary added in the video doesn’t help its cause. You can watch the whole match above.

Capcom has made some questionable choices with the Resident Evil franchise in the last few years, but it seemed like things would be getting better with the release of Resident Evil: Revelations 2. Releasing an episodic horror title, with a perfect blend of scares and action brought new excitement to the fanbase. Then came the announcement of Resident Evil Umbrella Crops. It doesn’t necessarily look bad, it just seems unnecessary. I get that everyone wants to attract the competitive shooter crowd, but this series is special for other reasons not pertaining to the shooter genre.

But, grabbing some friends to play a couple of matches seems like it could make for a fun Friday night. Still, the market is already saturated with competitive shooters, and I find it hard to believe that Umbrella Crops will have any lasting appeal when it launches.

HT: VG24/7

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LEGO Marvel’s Avengers is looking good.

New York Comic-Con is going down right now, so our own Rachel Berkey went to check out a demo of LEGO Marvel’s Avengers which is set to make an appearance on all platforms. Fans of the Avengers films will be happy to know that both film plots will be explored in the game, with many Marvel movie Easter eggs yet to be found. You’ll even be able to play as both young and old Agent Carter. This is one LEGO adventure you won’t want to miss. My only disappointment is that it won’t be taking the “toys-to-life” approach. I need more collectibles, damn it.

HT: Nerdist

Hoopa Image pokemon

Rare Pokémon, Hoopa, will soon be available.

If you’re a fan of catching all the pocket monsters, you may want to prepare your best pokéballs for the next distribution event. It was announced today that Hoopa, the very first psychic/ghost type will be available sometime later this year. All you’ll need to do is go to the Pokémon website when the codes are available, and use said code on your copy of Pokémon X/Y or Omega Ruby/Alpha Saphire. Serious collectors won’t want to miss this opportunity, this rare creature can’t be encountered through regular measures.

This cute horned monster will be featured in the recently announce Hoopa and the Clash of Ages film, so this giveaway will surely get people excited to watch the movie. Other than its unique type, Hoopa also transforms into the “Unbound” mode, which turns a once cute monster into an incredibly powerful force of nature. This could be a nice get for those that want to beat their friends in school yard battles.

HT: Gamineinformer


Forget about getting more Game Boy games on your 3DS.

Nintendo is done porting Game Boy games onto the 3DS according to Natsume Inc. This should come as no surprise to avid 3DS users, since the Virtual Console has been lacking in quality additions from the classic catalog for quite some time now. When questioned about Tail Gator making an appearance on the handheld, the publisher best known for Harvest Moon, said Nintendo had “moved on” from Game Boy games.

Here is the Tweet:

I admire the bluntness in the answer, it’s just incredibly sad that the Big N has moved on from this endeavor. There are still some classics that I wish I could play on the 3DS. We still need confirmation from Nintendo, but I would wager this revelation is true.

HT: Nintendo Life

That’s another excellent week in the books, folks. Keep it here on Nerdist for all the #Nerdoween fun, and enjoy your weekend. Don’t forget to play lots of games with your family. What did you think about the Umbrella Corps footage? Did it intrigue you? Let us know in the comments below.

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