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Gaming Daily: SHADOW OF MORDOR DLC Brings On The Freebies

It was just this morning that Game of Thrones fans were treated to the first trailer of Telltale Games’ six part adaptation of the show– for the internet went ablaze. But through the fierce heats of the inferno cast upon our beloved web, rose several of the most breaking of gaming stories. I’d like to bestow upon you a warm welcome to Thursday’s Gaming Daily.


Shadow of Mordor delivers free DLC.

If you’ve taken a break from sliding sharp objects through the jugular of nasty Uruks, Monolith has offered you a fine reason to return to high grasses of Mordor. The latest DLC update, titled “Power of Defiance,” includes the new Test of Challenge Defiance mode, which prohibits you from using Wraith powers while battling Warchiefs, and the ability to play as Lady Marwen’s daughter Lithariel. Though you can pick this update up for free right now, Season Pass holders need not worry– there’s still plenty of content coming to those who bought into Shadow of Mordor before the game launched.

First trailer for Destiny expansion leaks.

The opening cinematic for Destiny‘s upcoming expansion The Dark Below leaked today, and the next raid will send players on an unrelenting journey back to the land of the wizards: a/k/a the moon. The trailer features some of the most compelling voice work heard in Destiny yet, and there actually appears to be an interesting plot in this, which is a deviation from the lackluster story Bungie delivered in the original game. The Dark Below is just around the corner, launching on December 9 for $20 across all platforms (assuming you didn’t get a season pass).

Alright folks, that’s your daily dose of gaming goodness. Make sure you stay tuned here on Nerdist for all of your breaking video game news, to talk about our beloved medium, or to just chat on Twitter. I’m only one tweet away: @Malik4play.

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