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Gaming Daily: LAST OF US Developers Have Already Brainstormed Ideas for Sequel

News is coming in faster than ever with a ton of new games around the corner. Since keeping up with updates in between playing Destiny: The Taken King, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, and Super Mario Maker, and preparing for new titles is a bit tough, I’m here to gather up some of the news you may have missed. In today’s Gaming Daily, Naughty Dog has brainstormed a bunch of ideas for a sequel to The Last of Us, Funko announced Fallout and Skyrim action figures, Bungie is fixing the “Three of Coin” exotic exploit in Destiny, Todd Howard explains character building in Fallout 4, and a brand new Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate trailer hit the web.


Naughty Dog has already brainstormed a ton of ideas for a sequel to The Last of Us.

Well what do ya know. After Nolan North hinted at a sequel, and Naughty Dog referred to The Last of Us as “the first one” during a recent live stream, it’s safe to say that we knew the developer was already thinking about making another game in the same world. As an instant hit with PlayStation fans, making another title was a no-brainer. Although that may be true, it seems the game isn’t as far along as many were hoping. According to a comment Neil Druckmann made to Official PlayStation Magazine, it appears the game is nothing but a brainstorm topic at the moment.

He stated, “The answer is – and this is totally honest, and I’ve said this in the past – that when Bruce (Straley) and I moved over to Uncharted 4, we were brainstorming ideas for The Last Of Us 2 with new characters; ideas for TLOU 2 with Joel and Ellie; ideas for a sci-fi game; ideas for a fantasy game, and building prototypes for each one of those ideas. And just as we were getting close to settling or narrowing that list down, we were asked to work on Uncharted 4.”

While the team had already been working on prototypes for the game, they had to drop everything and switch to Uncharted 4. He explained, “”You know, there’s a part of me that’s really looking forward to going back to those things, but I have no cycles left in my mind even to be thinking about that right now!” he says. “So, I guess he (North) was kind of right in that we were working on stuff, but we don’t know what we’re doing next and we won’t know until probably a few months after we finish Uncharted 4.”

So, I guess we will just have to keep waiting patiently.

HT: GamesRadar, Official PlayStation Magazine

Image Credit: PlayStation


Funko to release Skyrim and Fallout Action Figures

If super cool POP! figures weren’t enough, Funko revealed several Bethesda figures that they will be adding to their Legacy Collection. In addition to the sweet Dovahkiin figure pictured above, the company will also be selling the Daedric Warrior armor, and both the Lone Wanderer and Power Armor from the Fallout franchise. They will retail at $19.99, and will release this November alongside the launch of Fallout 4. For more information and a closer look at the figures, check out our full post.

HT: Nerdist

Image Credit: Funko


Bungie fixes “Three of Coin” exploit in Destiny

Welp, there goes my excitement for Xur’s return this weekend. If you’ve been playing Destiny as much as I have since the massive 2.0 update–and the release of The Taken King expansion–you’ve probably heard about the “Three of Coin” exploit. If not, basically what players discovered was that by purchasing the new “three of coin” item from Xur, and consuming one right before killing a boss (and themselves in the process) with a rocket launcher, the likelihood of an exotic engram drop skyrocketed. But, as with most exploits, Bungie quickly patched it out of the game.

This sad bit of news was revealed in the Destiny patch notes recently released by the developer. Along with the Xur fix, the update does a couple of other things including fixing an issue with Year 1 Moments of Triumphs, a problem players had with receiving Legendary Marks from the quest “High Value Targets”, and another related to players who hit level 40 without turning in the reach Level 30 objective and didn’t receive the Level 40 quest.

Though the “Three of Coin” fix is annoying–because really, Bungie patches every fun thing we find–it’s not the end of the world, guardians. You’re better off saving up your strange coins and straight up buying an exotic weapon or piece of gear without the hassle. Plus, you can only equip one exotic at a time, and are more than likely to find a Legendary or Rare item boasting a higher level anyways.

HT: Bungie, GameSpot

Image Credit: Activision

Todd Howard explains character building in Fallout 4.

Man, Bethesda has been knocking it out of the park ever since they finally unveiled Fallout 4. If you’re not prepared for the game once it launches on November 10 after watching the entirety of their S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stat series, and a bunch of their other videos, then I don’t know what it would take to get you ready. Anyways, in the most recent video the developer released (above), Todd Howard gives fans a closer look at Fallout 4‘s character system. Want to learn more? Check out the video above and our full post on it (link below).

HT: Bethesda Softworks, Nerdist

New Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate Story Trailer hits the web.

It’s been a while since I’ve been as excited for an Assassin’s Creed game as I am for Syndicate. Whether it’s because of the fraternal twin assassins (one being female), dapper top hats around every corner, or the Victorian London setting, I’m really hoping this one doesn’t turn out as disappointing as some of its predecessors. With the game set to launch next month on October 23, Ubisoft has been ramping up their advertising for the title, particularly on the game’s official YouTube channel. After releasing a ton of gameplay videos, the developer hit the web today to release a brand new story trailer. Check it out above.

In the video, we’re given a taste of some of the things the Frye twins will be up against, including several assassination targets. We’ve got a healthy mix of doctors, mad scientists, tycoons, corrupt politicians, industrialists, and even a treacherous gangster. We get to see both Jacob and Evie kicking butt, taking names, and recruiting gang members around London.

The game is looking good graphically, but we won’t know for sure until the game hits shelves next week.

HT: Ubisoft

That’s it for today, everybody! Keep Nerdist tabbed for upcoming gaming news, reviews and features.

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