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Gaming Daily: Get Free DYING LIGHT DLC by Simply Drinking Water

Oh, Thursday’s how I love thee. This day of the week usually coincides with the best gaming news dropping. Despite having unnatural amounts of anxiety over the NBA Draft (Lakers!) going on today, plenty of awesome news has dropped. So take a break from playing Batman: Arkham Knight and join me as I sum up the best of the day. I promise it’ll be fun. On today’s Gaming Daily: Dying Light dev Techland is giving away free DLC for simply drinking water, Bethesda allows a fan to pay for Fallout 4 using bottle caps, Disgaea 5 finally get’s a release date, a price change in coming to Destiny: The Taken King, Games with Gold members will now have access to two free Xbox One games.


Techland takes Drink For DLC campaign to the next level.

Bungie is just having the best of times these days. Yesterday, Techland– or more accurately Dying Light’s official Twitter account– poked fun at Destiny‘s incredibly goofy Red Bull exclusive DLC mission by tweeting out a joke image that suggested staying hydrated for some free goodies. Today, the team took the good nature ribbing to another level– a level that can actually be considered a win for fans. The “#DrinkForDLC” hashtag is actually a thing now, and they will be giving out free content if they reach the prerequisite stretch goals.

Here’s how it works: simply take a picture of yourself drinking water and tweet it out using the above hashtag. Seriously, that’s all you have to do to get some free content. Check out the image below to get a glimpse of the goals and rewards for the campaign:


The goals are certainly attainable. We just have to wish hard upon the magic powers of the internet to make it happen. I’ll be honest, this is amazing. Techland has turned a joke into something positive for their fans. As someone who loved Dying Light, I hope we end up getting the free content.  It’s definitely a different approach from Activision’s Red Bull ad campaign.

Stay thirsty my friends.

HT: Twitter


Good guy Bethesda allows fan to pay for Fallout 4 with bottle caps.

Good guy Bethesda strikes again! Recently they were contacted by a fan named Seth. See, what this man did was save up over 2,240 bottle caps in the span of 7.5 years to pay off Fallout 4. So naturally he sent a box filled with caps Bethesda’s way attached with a letter asking if he could nab a copy of the game when it released in exchange for his little collection. The good folks over at the team have finally responded by accepting his offer. It’s a nice gesture for sure and overall a funny situation. Don’t go trying this though, since they won’t be accepting this form of payment anymore. Cash is more their thing.

HT: Nerdist

Disgaea 5 releasing October 6.

Oh my goodness, we finally have the release date for PS4 exclusive Disgaea 5. There has been very little fan fare behind this title, but the rest of the franchise has been excellent and I don’t expect anything less from the newest iteration. The series is known for being a fantastic turn-based strategy RPG, and for its over-the-top storytelling that creates sympathetic underworld cast of characters. There’s nothing subtle about these games.

Expect a 45 hour investment for the campaign alone, but as those that have already played previous titles know, that’s just the beginning. There really is no level cap on characters, so you can easily have hundreds of hours just fly by. There will also be a new revenge system that will increase the lead characters abilities the more your allies are damaged.

You can view the trailer above to get a better understanding of what to expect. I actually got my hands on the game at E3, and from my short time with it, I can tell you it’s more of what you love. Animations also had a crisper look to them. Sony and NIS America missed an opportunity to release this tale of the underworld on Halloween.

HT: Playstation Blog


Price change is coming for Destiny: The Taken King.

After a huge outcry from fans, Bungie has taken into account their most loyal fans and plan to change some pricing issues with their upcoming expansion, Destiny: The Taken King. Players who already have the base game and the current DLC packs will be able to grab the emotes and shaders that were previously exclusive to the Collector’s Edition of The Taken King for $20. Fans who have been playing from the beginning will also be gifted some permanently exclusive items for good measure.

HT: Nerdist


Games with Gold subscribers will now get two free Xbox One games a month.

Starting this upcoming month, Games with Gold members on Xbox One will have access to two new free games a month. If you’re keeping count at home, that makes 4 free games if you have both the One and 360. This puts Microsoft’s offering on par with Sony’s PlayStation Plus–at least based on quantity. Starting us off is Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag and So Many Me, certainly a decent batch.

Competition is a beautiful thing. Both companies are pushing each other incredibly hard for supremacy. Microsoft has been killing it recently, especially with all of their announcements at their E3 conference. They have learned a lot since the original announcement of their current console. The one thing they made clear last week is that it’s all about the gamers.  Sony needs to step their game up.

HT: Xbox Wire

That’s it for today, guys. Things have definitely slowed down since last week’s E3 blow out but I’m not complaining. Now, back to Batman: Arkham Knight. Make sure to let us know if you will be participating in the #DrinkForDLC campaign in the comments section below.

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