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Gaming Daily: DRAGON QUEST: HEROES for PS4, PERSONA 5, and More

We have returned from PAX Prime, which means that our daily recap has also returned! If you like Japanese developed games, then you’re probably going to love what we have on the agenda for you today. Here’s a recap of all the recent happenings in gaming, starting with what you may have missed over the weekend.

Dragon Quest Heroes coming to PS4 along with a “Metal Slime” edition.

There may still be a few weeks between now and Tokyo Game Show, but that isn’t stopping Sony Computer Entertainment from letting the announcements fly! Dragon Quest: Heroes is on its way to the PlayStation 4 and is slated to release sometime in 2015. The game, which is being classified as an action RPG, is being developed by Omega Force, the folks responsible for the Dynasty Warriors series.

SLimePS4A special edition “Metal Slime” edition PS4 will launch alongside the game, which includes a Metal Slime creature disguised as a USB port cover. So shiny! Will this be PlayStation’s answer to Hyrule Warriors?


Capcom issues “help wanted” for an unannounced fighting game.

While everyone’s counting on Capcom dissipating from game publishing, the boys in gold and blue are apparently working on a secret fighting game. If the rumors that have been circulating around the web are true, we may be getting an official reveal as early as next week. Hopefully this isn’t more of Capcom’s “Hadoken Cabs” shenanigans from last year, and they actually reveal the Rival Schools reboot we’ve all been waiting for. Fingers crossed!

October 21st, 2012 @ 02:18:00

Beyond: Two Souls heading to the PS4?

Quantic Dream’s cinematic point-and-click adventure starring Ellen Page may be making the leap from PlayStation 3 up into the new generation of hardware, following the likes of titles such as Tomb Raider and The Last of Us. The director’s cut of Beyond surfaced on two German online retailers’ sites before immediately being taken down. Given the amount of remasters announced and released over the last year, we’re willing to bet this rumor’s not just jumping to conclusions.

Persona 5 Making its way to PS4.

Atlus announced that Persona 5 will be coming to the PS3 and PS4 in 2015. Not much else was revealed about the game other than the fact that it takes place in what appears to be a school setting, which is nothing new for the series. I’m not expecting this game to see the light of day in the US until the holiday season next year, but at least we have Persona 4 Areana Ultimax coming on September 30 to hold us over.

Bungie releases browser-based Destiny map, powered by Google.

There has been no shortage of Destiny tidbits leading up to its September 9 release, but when they release cool little projects like this, you can’t help but be excited by them. Bungie teamed up with Google to give us a tour of the game’s universe, and it looks like it could have come straight from the Google Maps application. If you’re lacking knowledge on the Destiny universe and the different species scattered around the game’s galaxy, you may want to look here for yourself.

And that’s it for today’s daily dose of gaming, folks. Be sure to stick around here on Nerdist for all of your breaking video game coverage, and to chat about our beloved medium, I’m only one tweet away: @Malik4play.

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  1. Vince says:

    Man, Sony crushed it with these announcements! Now, the “glass half empty”-type would (rightfully – let’s admit) say they should’ve done this a year ago before launching the machine in Japan, but still, better late than never. This is a great lineup of Japanese titles coming up (and also Senran Kagura. Burn!), and I’m even looking forward to DQ Heroes. 
    I’m a fan of Dragon Quest, but usually dismiss the Warriors’ spinoffs because those games are Warriors games. But there were rumors (or confirmations?) flying around a little after the reveal that said it was going to include some RPG elements and actually resemble Omega Force’s fun, underrated action-RPG Trinity: Souls of Zill O’ll insetad of just being a straight up Warriors’ game. I’m VERY excited if that’s true! Even if it isn’t, it looks great and will definitely release in the West, so that’s nice. Dragon Quest needs to come back to NA and EU.
    The whole lineup was great – Persona 5 PS4, a new Ys title, Disgaea 5, Bloodborne and a lot more… AND it’s not even everything they got! They still have stuff for TGS (Final Fantasy Type-O HD, Gravity Rush 2)! Sony crushed it this week. Very exciting for any gamer, like myself, who isn’t particularly thrilled by FPS’, Assassin’s Creed games and season passes.