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Gaming Daily: DARK SOULS III Could Be the Last in the Series

The freedom of the weekend is finally upon us, and there are plenty of fantastic games to choose from to play in your down time. So, what games are you guys planning on diving into in the next couple of days? I know most of you are still on that Fallout 4 grind, but will you give it a break for Star Wars: Battlefront? I’ll personally be returning to Yharnam in Bloodborne to reminisce on the good times, and maybe even dabble in some Star Wars: Battlefront. But for now, let’s talk about gaming news.

In today’s Gaming Daily: Dark Souls III may be the last in the fantastic series, a creative modder finds an interesting way of expressing their frustration with Steam, Afro Samurai 2: Revenge of Kuma is so bad that you can get a refund if you purchased it, Xbox One bundles will be on sale Black Friday weekend, and Gravity Rush Remastered will be hitting store shelves a week sooner than expected.

Dark Souls III

Dark Souls III may be the last in the series.

This news is a bittersweet for me, considering the fact that I absolutely adore Bloodborne.  In an interview with Gamespot, Dark Souls mastermind Hidetaka Miyazaki stated that Dark Souls III will probably the finale to the series. Sigh. Read the full statement below:

“I don’t think it’d be the right choice to continue indefinitely creating Souls and Bloodborne games. I’m considering Dark Souls III to be the big closure on the series. That’s not just limited to me, but From Software and myself together want to aggressively make new things in the future. Dark Souls III will mark the last game where the development project began before I became president. The next title will be a game that was conceived while I was president. I believe that From Software has to create new things. There will be new types of games coming from us, and Dark Souls III is an important marker in the evolution of From Software.”

As painful as this news may be to the scores of Souls fans out there, this route is better than watching From Software milk the series for all it’s worth. Though, it’ll be interesting to see if Bloodborne is going to get a sequel. Miyazaki didn’t clearly say there wasn’t going to be one, and you have to imagine Sony is pushing hard to make it happen, considering how well the exclusive sold for them.


If true, I will miss the series for sure.

HT: Gameinformer


Disgruntled modder finds interesting way of expressing frustration.

The Steam community is pretty creative in the way they express their displeasure when something goes awry with their games. Apparently, Left 4 Dead 2  is still fairly popular in the community, and a recent update (which since been rescinded) was causing issues with the servers. There were no game breaking issues, but it still hindered players ability to have fun. Thus, Ellie, a disgruntled modder replaced propane tanks with Steam servers. Genius. What a great way to get your message across.

HT: Nerdist


Afro Samurai 2: Revenge of Kuma is so bad you can get a refund.

Here’s something you don’t see every day. The action game, Afro Samurai 2: Revenge of Kuma was so bad that the poor souls who purchased the buggy mess can now get a full refund. Strange, I know. The episodic title has been pulled from online shops, and the second and third installments have also been canceled. I have to applaud the developer, Versus Evil, for at least acknowledging the game is bad and doing the right thing of refunding fan’s money.

“We could not do, in good conscience, volume 2 and volume 3. So we’ve begun the process, it’s been a long process to figure it out because Sony has never really had to do this in this way, but we’re returning all the money. So across the board we’re putting out an apology saying ‘sorry about this,'” said Versus Evil’s general manager, Steve Escalante to CGMagazine.

I know this wasn’t on too many people’s radar, but it’s still an interesting story that doesn’t happen too often.

HT: PushSquare 

Xbox One Bundle

Xbox Ones will be cheaper than ever come Black Friday weekend.

Still waiting on the perfect deal to get Microsoft‘s latest home console? The mega-company has announced that you can get your hands on a Xbox One bundle for $50 cheaper than their usual retail price from Black Friday through Cyber Monday. This means you can get ahold on one of these bad boys for $299. It may be time to finally get an X1 with both Halo 5: Guardians and Rise of the Tomb Raider recently launching on the X1.

HT: Nerdist


Gravity Rush Remastered‘s launch date pushed a week forward.

I’m usually not one to celebrate the cash grab that remasters have become, but there are some exceptions to that sentiment. Gravity Rush was so overlooked because it was a PlayStation Vita exclusive, so I’m excited for this release to hopefully reach more players. This gem is easily one of my favorite portable games from the last few years, and now we’ll all be able to enjoy it a week sooner than we had originally thought on February 2, 2016. SCEA ISD Producer, Nick Accordino confirmed the good news earlier today in a tweet (pictured below).

The gravity flipping action game is well worth your time, and I predict many of you will enjoy the comic book-like presentation of the story. Kat (protagonist) is one of the raddest characters in Sony’s corner, so she definitely deserves to get more attention. Hopefully this will get more people into the franchise, and excited for the sequel that’s also supposed to grace our consoles next year.

HT: Twitter 


That’s it for today, folks. Make sure to enjoy your time off, and keep checking back here for all your nerdy needs. Do you want a Bloodborne sequel? Have you been a fan of the Souls series? Let us know in the comments below.

Image Credit: FromSoftware

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