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GAME OF THRONES’ White Walkers Meet Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’ in Epic Mashup

Spoilers from the most recent episode of Game of Thrones ahead! You’ve been warned!

All right, I think we can all agree that this past weekend’s episode of Game of Thrones, titled “Hardhome,” just slapped all of us who might have been complaining about this season right across the face with its awesomeness, kind of like when Cersei got slapped across the face with that ladle by the Westerosi version of Sister Jude from American Horror Story: Asylum. And believe me, I was one of those people complaining. I won’t doubt you again Game of Thrones! When the White Walkers and their army of undead soldiers came down the mountain and started unleashing their reign of terror on the Wildling camp, don’t even tell me it didn’t put most of last season of The Walking Dead to shame. And seriously, those little zombie kids? Those things are bound to give you nightmare material for the rest of your life.

Now a YouTube user by the name of simonb02 has taken arguably the greatest song about horror movies and zombies and all things creepy ever recorded, Michael Jackson’s “Thriller”, and combined it with the battle of Hardhome from the end of last week’s episode of the series, which you can watch by clicking here. Sadly, none of the White Walker’s undead army get up and start dancing in the video, but hey, we don’t really know what they did after the credits started rolling and Jon Snow sailed away, so maybe they started to get down with the “funk of 40,000 years” after the credits rolled.

HT: YouTube user simonb02


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