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Robert’s Rebellion Gets Animated in GAME OF THRONES DVD Extra

When it comes to what went on in Westeros prior to A Song of Ice and Fire, our narratives are all skewed by the teller’s political allegiances, involvement, and distance from the tale itself. Such is the case of one of the biggest precursors to the events of Game of Thrones, the now infamous Robert’s Rebellion. The war that brought Robert Baratheon to power and ultimately led to the Lannister-palooza currently going down at the Red Keep has been described in a whole host of ways. But, perhaps, never from a source as intimately familiar with its dealings as Ser Barristan Selmy.

Thankfully, the folks over at got their hands on the animated extra, which dives deep into the machinations that lead to Robert’s Rebellion from the point of view of Targaryen loyalist, Ser Barristan Selmy. And yes, it’s even narrated by his TV counterpart, Ian McElhinney (because it’s a blu-ray/DVD extra for the show)!

Considering Barristan’s loyalty to House Targaryen, and his continued insistence that Dany’s familial line was largely a force of good in the Realm, it’s an interesting take on everything that went down. After books and episodes worth of Aerys “The Mad King” and Targaryen hate, it’s nice to see a different point of view on it — especially as we inch ever-closer to the it’s-gotta-be-a-thing reveal that R + L = J.

What do you think of the animated iteration of Robert’s Rebellion? Let us know in the comments below!


Alicia Lutes is Managing Editor and Queen Khaleesi of House Nerdist. Find her on Twitter (@alicialutes).

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