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Spoiler Alert: Everyone from GAME OF THRONES is Dead in New Posters

So crazy that a show about death would forecast its major cast members’ deaths in the posters for the most secretive and unknown season of its series yet, huh? It’s as if they’re baiting the Game of Thrones audience to speculate upon—and worry about—all their favorite characters. Particularly on the eve of a season that, as far as we know, will bring us way ahead of where George R.R. Martin left us off with his A Song of Ice and Fire novel series. Quick! Into the unknown!

Following up on the trailer that debuted ten days ago, the two new posters—and a few standalone images that debuted on Twitter early Wednesday—feature the faces of all our favorites, dead as dead can be, held within the many-faced walls in the bowels of The House of Black and White. Check out the posters in all their full-size glory in the gallery below.

Across the rest of the Known HBO Realm, we were given a few character standalones:

The images prove one thing: they’re not going to give us anything to work with in the lead up to this season. They’re just going to tease us with the idea of our favorite characters dying, and remind us about those that died before (like Joffrey, Robert, Ned, Catelyn, Robb, and Oberyn). So, y’know, if you were expecting a turn for the light, airy, and dragon-laced, think again!

Feel free to speculate on what may be and what’s to come in the comments below. In the meantime, we’ll be chillin’ here (winter is coming GET IT GET IT), waiting for April 24, 2016 to hurry up and get here already.

Image Credit: HBO

Alicia Lutes is the Managing Editor of Nerdist Industries. Find her on Twitter (@alicialutes).

Take a deeper dive into the new Game of Thrones images:


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