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New GAME OF THRONES Photos Look Like Everyone’s Having a Great Time!

Hello, fans of the Realm! This is a post about Game of Thrones that contains information (and wild speculation) that some may consider to be minor spoilers. You’ve been warned!

Look at all the happy faces abounding in these photos of Game of Thrones‘ sixth episode, “Blood of My Blood,” you guys! If I were a betting woman, I’d put money on this week’s episode being the happiest ever seen in all the Realm.

The forthcoming episode—also directed by Lost genius helmer Jack Bender, who handled last week’s “The Door”—has already teased some ominous business ripe for “Oh, bother!” levels of worry and speculation (“An old foe comes back into the picture. Gilly meets Sam’s family. Arya faces a difficult choice. Jaime faces off against the High Sparrow.”), but we’re CONVINCED this one’s going to be a real happy-go-lucky sorta lark! Like, Sam’s family will totally adore Gilly and reinstate Sam as the heir to Horn Hill, Arya’s choice will be between cake and pie and living happily ever after, the High Sparrow will concede that brothersisterlovers are totally acceptable rulers that are like, way chill, and this old foe will pop back into the picture to be all, “JK about all that mean stuff before, I love you guys now!” Because that’s what Game of Thrones does best, doesn’t it?

HA HA HA HA HAAAAAA JK LOL. We’re fairly certain this “old foe” is House Frey—given Littlefinger’s line in episode four and that whole “the Tully’s are back!” thing, setting up a major battle between Frey and Tully (and OH GOD WE HOPE the arrival of Lady Stoneheart). The “difficult choice” Arya will face? That’ll probably involve choosing to murder, per the Faceless Men’s request, Lady Crane (Babadook‘s Essie Davis), or the actual baddie in the situation at hand (aka probably the younger actress). And we all know that Samwell’s family is going to hate anything and everything he does regardless of how and why it’s done so, y’know, expect a real rough family meeting over at House Tarly.

And we all know that smile on Dany’s face couldn’t possibly last all that long, could it? Daario’s been MIGHTY QUIET this season so I’m just waiting with a bunch of shade at the ready. So, basically: get ready for more of the same dire desperation we’ve come to expect from Game of Thrones—and maybe a little bit o’ magic to boot.

Of course we’re still wondering where and when Gendry’s going to pop back into the picture:

What do you think the images forecast regarding what’s to come? Let us know in the comments below!

Images: HBO

Alicia Lutes is the managing editor, co-host of Fangirling, and Chief Khaleesi Officer of House Nerdist. Find her on Twitter—when she’s not recapping Thrones—(@alicialutes).


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