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Frog DNA is Out in New JURASSIC WORLD Featurette

It’s like an Apple keynote video, but with dinosaurs.

In the video above, fictional company InGen Technologies explains how far we’ve come in the science of making dinosaurs since the first Jurassic Park. Frog DNA is out. Full genome replication is in.

Jurassic World‘s science must be decades ahead of our own. InGen is claiming “100% genome accuracy in dozens of species” in “under an hour” using soft tissue “preserved by iron chelators” (which has some basis in recent studies). That kind of genetics is incredibly advanced, somehow able to overcome all the roadblocks to reconstituting and resurrecting extinct genomes. We’ve only just sequenced the mammoth genome, and we had nearly the entire animal. But InGen is still using blood samples from insects trapped in amber, so the company must have also solved DNA’s half-life problem — DNA degrades too quickly to get anything complete from dinosaur times.

But what creates the “Indominus rex” is InGen’s other secret: genetic modification. The dinosaurs in the park are now GMDs, which is presumably the reason why THEY STILL DON’T HAVE FEATHERS. Ahem. Sorry.

All in all, the video is quite believable. It sounds like a real company with real science behind it. But what do you think will happen to that smug dude in the turtleneck?

Jurassic World stomps into theaters on June 12th.

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