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Fox Unveils 2014-15 Schedule, With Gotham and Somewhat Less Animated Sundays

The new Fox schedule is here! The new Fox schedule is here! Okay, it’s not as exciting as the new phone book, but it’s news nonetheless, and we have all the details on what’s going where. The big news is that Gotham has a slot, so does David Tennant’s Broadchurch remake, and “Animation Domination” isn’t all animated anymore.

To wit: The highly-anticipated Gotham, which we’ve previewed plenty right here, will lead off Monday nights at 8/7c, followed by Sleepy Hollow returning at 9/8c.

Tuesdays? The new reality competition Utopia (sticking 15 people on an island for a year) will take the 8/7c slot, followed by returnees New Girl and The Mindy Project.

Wednesdays will start with Gordon Ramsay yelling at more apprentice chefs in Hell’s Kitchen at 8/7c, and the new Red Band Society, a drama starring Octavia Spencer about teens who meet in the pediatric ward of a hospital from Steven Spielberg’s Amblin Productions, takes the 9/8c slot.

Thursday is where the much-traveled, long-running Bones lands this season, returning to the 8/7c spot, followed by the 10-part U.S. revamp of Broadchurch, Gracepoint with a pretty amazing cast of David Tennant, Anna Gunn, Nick Nolte, Jacki Weaver, and Michael Peña, at 9/8c.

Friday, which has been where Fox shows go to die for years (yes, I AM bitter about the cancellation of Enlisted), will be occupied by Masterchef Junior at 8/7c and Utopia again with new episodes at 9/8c for the first six weeks of the season.

Saturday’s listing is Fox Sports Saturday, which will include game and event coverage, and, besides, it’s Saturday and the networks have pretty much given up.

And Sunday’s big news involves the injection of two sitcoms amidst the former Animation Domination slate, with Brooklyn Nine-Nine moving into the 8:30/7:30c slot right after The Simpsons and John Mulaney’s eponymous new sitcom Mulaney (I TOLD you it was eponymous) with Martin Short, Nasim Pedrad, and Elliott Gould fitting in at 9:30/8:30c after Family Guy. Bob’s Burgers gets the post-football 7:30/6:30c slot.

Awaiting mid-season debuts will be Will Forte’s The Last Man on Earth; Lee Daniels’ hip-hop drama Empire with Terrence Howard, Taraji P. Henson, and Gabourey Sidibe; the ancient Egypt fantasy Hieroglyph from Travis Beacham (Pacific Rim, Clash of the Titans); Rainn Wilson and Dennis Haysbert in a “comedic crime procedural” from Bones creator Hart Hanson, Backstrom; M, Night Shyamalan’s 10-parter Wayward Pines with Matt Dillon, Juliette Lewis, Melissa Leo, Terrence Howard, Carla Gugino, and Toby Jones; sitcom Weird Loners; and Seth MacFarlane’s next animated sitcom Bordertown. Specials coming up include the previously announced live performance of Grease the self-explanatory Pitbull’s New Year’s Revolution, and Jump of the Century, a stunt show on the 40th anniversary of Evel Kneivel’s Snake River Canyon jump. And returning at dates to be determined will be American Idol, Boom!, The Following, Masterchef, Hotel Hell, and So You Think You Can Dance.

And.. Glee. The show remains in production and will be back, but not until some undetermined date in 2015. Gleeks will need patience. As we already knew, Dads, Enlisted, Rake, Surviving Jack, Raising Hope, and Almost Human are gone, and American Dad has moved to TBS. Animation Domination High Def, although reduced, will still have some presence on the broadcast side, returning in June with some prime-time premieres.

So, whaddya think? When will you be watching your friendly local Fox affiliate? What will you DVR or On-Demand? Comments below, please….

Image Copyright 2014 Fox Broadcasting Co. Credit: Jessica Miglio/FOX

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  1. Almost Human was way better then Sleepy hollow.

  2. Erin Joy says:

    Well, I guess I need to clear my Thursday nights …

  3. jo ann says:

    I’m  probably NOT going to watch any of these new shows (except Gracepoint because David Tennant!).  just will get a bunch of shows with characters I like who wind up with unresolved storylines.  new policy – wait a year.  if it gets renewed, then I can catch it on netflix, amazon, etc.

  4. Danielle says:

    …what happens to Cosmos?

    • Dara says:

      Cosmos is a 13 episode arc.  We will most likely see the next series early next year, at least that’s what Dr. Tyson said.  Think British TV schedule. =)

  5. Louie says:

    Any word on Kitchen Nightmares? Asking for Matt Mira.

  6. Allyne Lloyd says:

    I don’t know why this surprises anyone.  The morons in charge of programming at FOX are noting but a group of uneducated, feeble minded, morons with their heads firmly lodged in their rectums!!! These are the same people who let “The Simpsons” run for what is it 25 years now, but canceled “Firefly” after only 12 episodes!!! (Bitter? Me? Why would you ask that???) Shows like “Surviving Jack,” “Almost Human,” and “Enlisted” were funny, intelligently written, and creative.  Is it any wonder then that the feeble minded, morons at FOX with their heads firmly lodged up their rectums canceled them???  These shows were too smart for those idiots!!!

  7. jaynee says:

    So sad surviving Jack was canceled.  Very funny show.

  8. Megan says:

    I’m so bummed that Dads was cancelled! That show was hilarious!

  9. HHoffman says:

    So disappointed that they canceled Almost Human

  10. Jeremy says:

    They should of moved Surviving Jack to Sundays… It was a good show and they should cancel New Girl…

  11. Deanna says:

    Really excited about Broadchurch, I hope fox doesn’t screw it up!

  12. Jim Foskett says:

    Oh man, that’s the Sunday death slot for Bob’s Burgers. That’s where Futurama was and with football frequently running over it was hard to get a full episode.

  13. elSpanielo says:

    Almost Human was cancelled?!?!?! And THIS is how I find out? What the hell was on the other side of the wall! DAMN YOU FOX!!!

  14. JohnFord says:

    There better be some new Axe Cop in June then !!