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Felicia Day & Lev Grossman Brought the Internet to NYC for Day’s Book Signing

New York City took Felicia Day‘s book signing virginity tonight. Normally I wouldn’t lead off an article with such an intimate statement, but both Felicia and her in-conversation partner-in-crime, Lev Grossman, spent so much of their talk with cheeky grins on their faces from saucy jokes that it just feels right. Day’s new memoir You’re Never Weird On The Internet (almost) will be available for purchase on Tuesday, August 11th. I’ve made my feelings on why you should read it known already so it should come as little to no surprise that I jumped at the chance to see her speak alongside Lev Grossman at Housing Works Bookstore on Monday night.

Here are some of the awesome things I learned over the course of the evening. Felicia doesn’t like magicians—fake ones at least. Before you get riled up, she is a fan of both Gandalf and Grossman’s own bestselling series The Magicians. The evening was punctuated by quips from Day, immediate grins or groans, and backpedaling while the audience laughed and clapped. She also wishes she had been more adventurous in college—like why didn’t legal-aged Felicia consider having orgies? adventurous—and she really wants to go to Prince Edward Island to lie in a field and recite poetry ala Anne of Green Gables. Also, Felicia really can’t see without her glasses, and it is both hilarious and adorable.

I’m telling you, there was just no way to attend tonight’s conversation without deciding that you absolutely must read You’re Never Weird On The Internet (almost), and grabbing a copy on your way out the door. In addition to the fun and laughter, Day and Grossman spoke seriously about the struggles of writing block, handling depression, and coping with the darker sides of internet culture like trolls. Day’s own Team Hooman community was out in full force, and it was a delight to hear that it has been the positive community that has sprung up on Twitch that helped bring Felicia back to online communities in a way that was healthy and fun.

If you get the chance to see one of Felicia’s stops on her book signing tour, please take it. Likewise, if you happen to be a Nerdist reader in New York, I highly recommend stopping into Housing Works Bookstore in Manhattan. Housing Works Bookstore is one of New York’s most vital cultural institutions with an eclectic mix of events—from readings and concerts to comedy nights and storytelling competitions—featuring many exciting artists. The bookstore is staffed almost entirely by volunteers and 100% of its profits go to Housing Works, Inc., which provides housing, healthcare, job training, and advocacy for New Yorkers living with HIV/AIDS. Not only is their cause incredible, but the space is stunning. It was so great to get to see Felicia and Lev talk in one of the best literary venues in the city. Look for more of her dates and locations on

Let us know what you think of Felicia’s new book in the comments below! I mean, read it first. Obviously. (In fact, you can enter to win a copy from our sister site, Geek & Sundry, right here.) But then come and tell us what you think!

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