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FEaB #2: Been Caught Stealing

Matt Mira, one-third of the Nerdist Podcast — four eyes. Scott Mosier, the M in SMOD — beard. Together — Four Eyes and Beard. FEaB. This is the second episode.

Matt and Scott talk about runins with the law, start their book-recommend segment, and wonder what this podcast really is.

Art: Dana Lechtenberg

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  1. Rev John says:

    When is the next one coming? It’s been almost a month and no new FEAB……. *sadness ensues*

  2. @Dan I am so glad you posted that. I felt that I was the only one who felt this way. It is a shame because Kevin is really talented. I love his movie Red State.

  3. Carl says:

    I’m loving FEAB guys, keep it up. And it definitely belongs in “comedy” – the deadpan reactions to each others statements is great. The humor’s so dry you’d better watch out for chafing.

  4. Dan says:

    I was a fan of SModcast for the first ~3 years but, after Kevin’s descent into stonerdom, every episode became a retread of the same four tired topics: weed, obesity, Hitler, and sucking dick. I could only tolerate Kevin’s hysterical laughter at his own jokes for so long before reluctantly unsubscribing.

    I am therefore REALLY happy to see Mos given a forum wherein he can once again have conversations with a sharp co-host. /subscribe

  5. Iain says:

    Love the podcast guys. Not sure what it is yet, but whatever it is I like it. Keep ’em coming.

  6. Alex says:

    You guys probably got 2 more songs sent to you then Jonah Ray got for his show

  7. B.J. says:

    Don’t let the heathens steal your soul Matt. Jesus rocks! It’s not his fault a lot of us are lame. Remember we believe that our God got nailed to a plank of wood and is gonna set the world on fire one day. Go read Revelations. It’s a METAL religion, We drink our God’s blood for Christs sake.

  8. BROODER says:

    How much does it cost to buy a fucking plane?

  9. highwyre237 says:

    I has a saturn SL2 too! it was totalled on 93 :-/

    I miss that car