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Fangirls Assemble For Her Universe’s “Year Of The Fangirl”

Fangirl_BGOur friend Ashley Eckstein and Her Universe are doing something to honor the female contingent of the nerd world, and we thought you might like to know what they’re up to. So, here you go: It’s Her Universe’s “Year of the Fangirl” campaign, with the website spotlighting a different “geek girl” every day.

The video above has some of the details, but, in short, the honorees will be selected from submissions by fans and a team of five contributors looking for individuals with interesting stories. There’s a form on the website for submissions, and you can nominate yourself or someone else (if you’re under 13, a parent or guardian has to nominate you). It’s open to all ages, and there’ll be a new honoree every day this year.

So there it is. If you’re interested, head to, and you can ask questions at [email protected]. A celebration of fangirls? Nice. And overdue.



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  1. Nancy says:

    Okay I was rambling but I will just finish here….

    Chole is always positive and has a killer sense of humor which I would like to see more of among the Fangirls.

    Chirs~ If you see this comment anytime soon~ print it out an give it to her!!

  2. Nancy says:

    What a great idea! I really wanted to nominate Chole Dykstra but it sounds like from the submission rules you have to know to personally know the person?

    Chole is such a great example for not only Fangirls, but nerd girls, gamer girls, geek gilrls alike! She is positive and very passionate about her favorite fandoms. We meet her at Gallifrey One this year and always she was very kind to everyone and endless energy.
    Ienjoy he