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Fan Art Friday #84 – THE FORCE AWAKENS Rey a Day Project

Fan Art Friday #84 – THE FORCE AWAKENS Rey a Day Project

There are too many wonderful things on the internet to keep track of. It is known. I constantly discover new artists and makers through social media, and that’s how I stumbled onto the work of Michael Firman. Galactic Fashion retweeted one of Michael’s Rey-a-Day images, and I was intrigued. I scrolled through his Twitter feed and noticed he’s been creating different, lovely Rey art inspired by the Star Wars: The Force Awakens character every day for a while.

Michael’s drawn Rey on Jakku with BB-8, Rey in her Resistance base ensemble from the end of the film, Rey as an X-wing pilot, Rey licking all her rations from her plate–all the Reys. His style is distinct, and you can see it in every single drawing.

Look at this design–I want it on a t-shirt.

I’ve selected a few more of my favorite Reys and placed them in the gallery below. You’ll find a Rey-Pikachu combo and a Junkyard Princess Rey, so keep scrolling. Then, be sure to follow Michael on social media to view the rest of his Rey project and see new illustrations. He’s up to 70 Reys thus far. Find Michael on Tumblr, Instagram, and Twitter.

Which Rey do you love the most? Tell me in the comments.

P.S.: Do you create awesome fan art or know someone who does? Get in touch with me on Twitter or at alratcliffe at yahoo dot com and we can discuss being featured in future editions of Fan Art Friday. Have the best weekend, everyone!

Images: Michael Firman


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