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Fan Art Friday #46 – THE FLASH

This week’s Fan Art Friday is basically a love letter to The CW’s The Flash. The story of Barry Allen completely stole my heart and became my favorite superhero series on television (sorry, Oliver Queen). I appreciate the lighter tone and the way they embrace the hero’s comic book origins. They aren’t afraid to have fun with the rogues gallery either– Wentworth Miller’s Captain Cold? I mean, come on. At the same time, they tackle heavy material. The first season is all about Barry searching for the Man in Yellow who killed his mother. And if you don’t get teary-eyed every time Barry talks to his imprisoned father, then I’m pretty sure you’re dead inside.

Anyway. Please enjoy a gallery of fan art featuring Flash, Cisco Ramon, Captain Cold, and more.

by Tia Valentina

Do you also adore The CW’s The Flash? Head to the comments and tell me about your favorite characters.

Featured Image Powered by DeviantArt // Artist: Tia Valentina


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