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Fan Art Friday #26 – Daredevil

Because no one’s mentioned this yet today: Marvel’s Daredevil is finally here! You can watch Matt Murdock become Hornhead and clean up the streets of Hell’s Kitchen on Netflix right now. All 13 episodes are available so you’d better clear your calendar for the weekend. To help get you in the costumed vigilante mood, I’ve assembled a gallery of Daredevil art for this week’s Fan Art Friday. He’s one of my favorite superheroes (second only to Captain America), so let’s begin with a look at a prized possession of mine: my Daredevil sketchbook! I try to add at least one sketch from each convention I attend; I commission artists to draw Matt, Daredevil, Foggy, Black Widow–any character that’s a part of Daredevil’s world. These are a handful of pieces featuring the hero himself:

From top left to bottom right, the artists are Thom Zahler, Mike Maihack, Scott Hanna, Jae Lee, Lora Innes, Skottie Young, Franco Aureliani, George Perez, and Matthew Weiden.

You want more Daredevil art? Good. You don’t need superpowered senses to appreciate these pieces:

Source: Bayzeo

Keep scrolling to view more takes on the hero in the gallery below.


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