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Fan-Created FALLOUT: NEW CALIFORNIA Goes Beta After 9 Years

It’s not uncommon for video games to spend several years in development, even with the full resources of a publisher behind the project. But the team behind Fallout: New California didn’t have any official support from Bethesda Softworks, the company that owns the Fallout series. Instead, New California is an ambitious fan mod of Fallout: New Vegas which was intended to be released years ago. But after spending nearly a decade in development, fans may finally get a chance to play Fallout: New California.

Via Kotaku and PC Gamer, Fallout: New California now has a Beta build which is playable from beginning to end. The mod follows a character from Vault 18 as they make their way through California’s ravaged deserts and cities. One of the reasons this mod stands out is its sweeping scale and 14,000 lines of dialogue that were recorded by over forty actors. It’s still small compared to the official Fallout games, but it’s an impressive accomplishment for a fan build to even reach this stage.

At the official page for the Fallout: New California mod, project leader and designer Brandan Lee seemed justifiably proud of the Beta build’s level of polish. However, he was equally frank about its shortcomings. As noted by Lee, the mod has “content droughts” where it might be difficult for players to find activities outside of the main quest. The team is attempting a few possible solutions for the issue, but it may be an ongoing challenge to complete.

According to Lee, New California has a branching story that gives players several options and choices to plot out the destiny of their characters. There are 11 possible endings, and potentially a 12th ending as well. The Beta build isn’t currently open for players, but we’re definitely eager to try it out!

What do you think about the latest word about Fallout: New California? Let us know in the comment section below!

Images: Fallout: New California

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