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EXCLUSIVE: Hot Topic and ORPHAN BLACK Bring Sweet Duds to Clone Club

Whether you’re a cosplayer or simply a devoted member of the Clone Club — though who says the two are mutually exclusive — the unveiling of Hot Topic and Orphan Black‘s clothing line collaboration is sure to have you dancing to Adham Shaikh’s “Water Prayer (Matt the Alien Remix)”, putting on a clone dance party in no time.

It’s like the Sestrahood of the Traveling Pants (Kinda? Sorta? Not really OK FINE whatever)!

Whatever the case, it just became that much easier to look the part next time your inner Alison, Cosima, Sarah, or even Helena (although, yikes, you guys) wants to come out to play. The collection will begin an online pre-sale starting March 24th (a.k.a. Tuesday/tomorrow) on their website, with products hitting U.S. and Canadian stores starting April 13th, giving you plenty of time to figure out which clones you and your friends will be in advance of the series’ April 18th season 3 premiere.

“We are obsessed with Orphan Black here at Hot Topic,” explained Cindy Levitt, Senior Vice President of Merchandising and Marketing at Hot Topic in a press release, “and are ecstatic to be given the opportunity to work with the amazing team at Temple Street to design a collection inspired by the four main clones – Sarah, Cosima, Alison and Helena.”

According to Hot Topic, tiny details in each outfit showcase both intimate, personal details about each clone while also spotlighting their binding sestrahood. Said Levitt: “The detail in each clone’s outfit is so tied to her character and personality that you have to look more than once to catch everything. So look closely for embroidered stick figures and zipper pulls, Helena’s wings – even Alison’s glue gun. These pieces were so much fun to create.” They’re even holding a contest for all you Pinteresters out there, also beginning tomorrow.

Prices range from $14.50 to just under $50, making the whole line fairly reasonable. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m running out to grab that Alison Hendrix, glue glun-gingham print dress for nights when I feel like acting out Blood Ties in my living room with a glass of wine.

Check out the images of the line below and tell us which of the designs are your favorites in the comments!


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  1. Olivia Maund says:

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  2. Anna says:

    They don’t have Sarah’s blue hoodie…! GRR AARGH! Helena, you need to pay Hot Topic a visit…

  3. monica says:

    I want Sarah’s leggings!!!

  4. Linda says:

    Jaw Drop³