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New ORPHAN BLACK Posters Have Castor and Leda Going All Boys Vs. Girls on Us

It’s looking to be a real us versus them situation in the third season of BBC America’s Orphan Black, if these new posters are any sort of indication. In the two images released on Tuesday, we see the ladies of Project Leda and the boys of Project Castor separated—but equal?—by their personal bonds despite the more obvious ones that connect them. (And by that we mean the whole “being clones” thing because, y’know, that’s sort of a big one, commonality-wise.)

Speaking with People, series co-creator Graeme Manson explained the big changes heading for the series now that the clone sestras have some brothers to tend and fend off.

“They’re definitely their own little family,” he explained of the male clones. “Every family has its quirks, and these ones are not pleasant.”

Unlike the Tatiana Maslany-fronted female clones, the Ari Millen-fronted male group “were raised like a little wolf pack in a military-type setting. They’re self-aware and aware of each other and aware that they’re multiples and different and special and that they have their own purpose. … The differences in how they relate to each other is one of the coolest things about it.”

But it won’t all be ‘this versus that’ next season, as Manson explained that “one of the main themes of the year is, ‘Are we stronger together?’ We’ve pushed them to that point in the first episode. Crisis abounds in the premiere, and that question is definitely at the fore.”

Click on the images below to embiggen them (and yes that’s definitely a totally real and official technical term) so you’ve got something to stare at before the series’ return on Saturday, April 18th at 9PM on BBC America.

Alright, Clone Club: how ready are you?


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  1. wolfdaddy74701 says:

    I think Alison’s character should come out with an S&M book called 50 Shades of Glue.

  2. yep says:

    it’s a perfectly cromulent word