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Exclusive: Go Behind The Scenes Of Sin City’s New Single With Steven Tyler And Robert Rodriguez

The neo-noir visual aesthetic of Frank Miller’s Sin City is unmistakable. You’ll never forget the first time you saw Mickey Rourke’s grizzled visage in 2005, and we know that we will walk out of theaters this weekend with similarly lasting impressions when we revisit host of new and familiar characters in Sin City: A Dame To Kill For.

But a visually iconic film requires an equally legendary soundtrack, which is why director Robert Rodriguez teamed up with Steven Tyler for “Skin City”, the lead single for this long-awaited sequel. In the clip above, we get to see Rodriguez and the visibly jovial Tyler pal around while making the foot-stomping track in an outdoor, poolside studio setup. The highlight of their interaction is watching Rodriguez try to hit notes well beyond his register while giving Tyler earnest feedback on the song. Tyler just nonchalantly says “let’s do it”, and from the sound of the studio recording, nails it.

Sin City: A Dame To Kill For is out today, August 22, and you can preorder the official soundtrack right here.

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