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Exclusive: First Look at Trailer for HARMONTOWN

Who is Dan Harmon?

Well, first of all – Dan Harmon is probably best known as the creator of the hit NBC sitcom “Community.” But you knew that….

aaaand he’s also pretty well known for having been fired by NBC executives from the hit NBC sitcom “Community.”

But in the words of Dan Harmon himself: “I know that I’m not just a fat, fired alcoholic… and I have effects on people.” So Dan Harmon started doing a podcast over at NerdMelt Showroom at Meltdown Comics in L.A. called Harmontown. It’s an eclectic, crazy, funny, silly, smart show – kind of like Dan Harmon himself. Oh and there’s also quite a bit of drinking involved. (Reference above where Dan refers to himself as an “alcoholic.”)

So who is Dan Harmon, really? Just see for yourself. Ladies and Gentlemen, presents an exclusive, for the first time anywhere, behold, the trailer for Harmontown, the movie:

The Harmontown documentary will premiere at SXSW on Saturday, March 8th, 9:30 PM (CT) at the Austin Convention Center’s Vimeo Theater, following a live Harmontown podcast across the street at the Hilton’s Liberty Tavern Bar at 5 PM (CT).


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  1. Xie says:

    STFU Adam! (jk <3)

    I've been looking forward for this film for a long time! It's gonna be funny, it's gonna be sad, it's gonna be an inspiration, it's gonna be a journey! blablabla…

    Also gonna be kinda neat SEEING Dan, Jeff, Erin and Spencer instead of just hearing them 😛

  2. John says:

    Adam, who was emailing you?

  3. Adam of Harmontown says:

    I don’t know if this is a tale out of school, but I was emailed a few times about narrating the thing, providing transitions, etc. It never ended up happening (since I’m incidental to everything but the home shows, the Somerville one* and the Egyptian one).

    I can’t wait for this fucking film.

    *I was FBing chatting to someone waiting for a car-battery fill at a gas station. Those chats ended up being read on stage. Was also at a “listening party” that devolved into an awesome 8 person Dungeon World game, which led to a half-year campaign and making a ton of new friends. Odd how these things go.

  4. Keegan johnson says:

    FUCK YEAH. I stumbled on to the Harmon town podcast a few months ago and it’s unbelievably good. Can’t wait form the documentary, its going to be hilarious.

  5. Vondruke says:

    Will there be a suicide hotline at the end of this movie for everyone who watches it, because if the trailer is any indication of the this movie it’s going to be depressing as fuck.