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Exclusive: DC Comics’ ARKHAM MANOR: ENDGAME #1 Preview

So long Arkham Manor, we hardly knew ye. The recent Batman-centric series, which featured Wayne Manor transformed into a makeshift Arkham Asylum for Batman’s more mentally questionable villains, (which is like, what, 90% of them?) just ended its run after the sixth issue. But there are still many question left to be answered, and those will come in the true series finale in DC Comics’ Arkham Manor: Endgame #1, which hits stores on Wednesday, April 1st.

According to the official description, the main question going into the grand finale is “what do Batman’s villains do on the craziest night in Gotham City? And who will survive when the madness of Arkham Manor spills into the streets?” It turns out that maybe locking all your worst enemies in your own house wasn’t such a good idea after all, Bruce. I hope that Mad Hatter didn’t ruin too much of the Wayne china. Better luck next time, Bats.

Arkham Manor: Endgame is written by Frank Tieri, with art by Felix Ruiz, and features a cover by American Vampire’s Rafael Albuquerque. Check out our exclusive preview of the first five pages, along with the cover, in the gallery below:




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