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BATMAN: ARKHAM KNIGHT Delayed Three Weeks, New Gameplay Trailer Released

Well, it looks like we’re going to have to wait just a little bit longer for the next Batman title from Rocksteady, Batman: Arkham Knight. Originally slated for release June 2nd of this year, the game has been pushed back by Warner Bros. Interactive to June 23rd instead. That is a whole three week delay! It could be worse — at least it isn’t months later.

This bit of information came courtesy WB Interactive itself at the end of a brand new gameplay video for the title which, according to the disclaimer at the beginning, was recorded entirely on the PlayStation 4. Clocking in at a whopping seven and a half minutes, the video kicks off with the Caped Crusader meeting up with Jim Gordon, following up on a lead to track down the Scarecrow. We also see the Dark Knight effortlessly gliding through town and even engaging in a high speed Batmobile chase!

Check it out for yourself:

The action-packed video shows off a couple of the new tricks that Batman has up his sleeves. We get to see some swanky new grapnel gun tricks, as well as the Fear Takedown combat mechanic. From what’s been shown in this video and others we’ve previously reported on, driving around in the Batmobile looks like a lot of fun. There is indeed something super special about watching Batman launch himself into his famous vehicle. Let’s just hope it’s as fun to drive as it looks!

As for the delay, neither the publisher nor the developer have specifically mentioned the reason for the delay. Batman: Arkham Knight will be coming to the PS4, Xbox One, and Windows PC this June 23, 2015.

Are you bummed about the delay? What are you most excited for with this new title? Let us know down in the comments below.

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  1. kerrell says:

    Wow that trailer was amazing,this is going to be the greatest Batman game ever. Sucks that it got push back again but it’s only 3 weeks and if that means more time for Rocksteady to polish the game,then that shows they care about the people that are gonna play it. Unlike Ubisoft.

  2. mark says:

    I want them to open up more orders for the Batmobile Edition. It sold out before I even knew it was up for order.