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Nerdist Special Reports

Exclusive: CM Punk is The Laser Tag-inator

“Comic-Con with me if you want to live.”

Unfortunately, there were no such plays on words when the steely-eyed, adamantium-abbed, cold-blooded laser tag machine CM Punk entered the Nerdist Laser Tag arena at San Diego Comic-Con. Neither we nor 2K nor Gearbox could have anticipated that a straight edge cyborg with nothing to lose would cut a laser-filled swath through all comers. His mission: to tag all lasers. His targets: all living Nerdist lifeforms. Not even the Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel-themed fun could stop his rampage. What follows may make some viewers uncomfortable, but it is an important video to watch so that history does not repeat itself. Without further ado, please bear witness as Nerdist podcast guest CM Punk unleashes the beast within and gazes ruefully upon the apocalyptic aftermath.

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel hits store shelves on October 14th.

Want to check out all the other awesomeness you may have missed at Nerdist Laser Tag? We’ve got it all right here.

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The Official OCULUS Trailer and a New Poster Are Here

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Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)

Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)



  1. We need to get together and play a little Tactical Laser Tag at your headquarters. Just let us know when and we will bring the gear!

  2. Given how slow he moves and the fact that no action skills were deployed, I’ll accept the challenge when I’m in Chicago for Anime Central next year.

  3. I’m really glad he’s happy and doing well!
    Sure I miss him in wrestling but he got out when he could and alive… Hope he keeps doing more stuff with nerdist!
    Please Chris, get Colt Cabana for the podcast!!

  4. SM64Entotrte says:

    Punk should have shouted “IT’S CLOBBERING TIIIIIME!” after coming through that door. Also Cult of Personality should have been playing. We miss you Punk.