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Nerdist News

Everything You Need to Know About THE X-FILES’ Return

Mulder and Scully are coming back to TV for six brand-new episodes! But did you know that Nerdist played a part in it’s resurrection? It’s true, but we’ll try not to remind you of it every chance we get.

Before you go back and binge-watch all nine seasons of the seminal sci-fi series on Netflix, join Jessica Chobot as she leads you through The X-Files‘ journey back to TV. From Gillian Anderson’s Nerdist podcast appearance to yesterday’s big announcement, today we’re exploring just what these six episodes might hold for us. Do you want to believe? We do, especially on today’s Nerdist News.

Thanks as always for watching today’s show! Don’t forget to get into the Bloodborne spirit by learning about the most violent deaths in gaming on Nerdist: Play. Last, but not least, be sure to let us know in the comments below what you’re expecting from The X-Files in 2015!

Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)

Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)

The Official OCULUS Trailer and a New Poster Are Here

The Official OCULUS Trailer and a New Poster Are Here

Gaming Daily: As Crap-Tons of Video Games Release, G4 Officially Goes Off Air

Gaming Daily: As Crap-Tons of Video Games Release, G4 Officially Goes Off Air



  1. Tara Meehan says:

    Great news and yes no romance but, and perhaps most importantly, what kind of cell phones will they use? Love the ginormous phones back in the day were cray cray

  2. Kevin Shea says:

    And will Michael Cera appear in flash-backs of the smoking man when he was younger.

  3. JUS7IAN says:

    Way to oversell it.  I’ve heard Chobot talk on all sorts of podcasts over the many of years and not once has she ever implied that she liked the X-Files.  Yes, I know she’s just playing a role here, but as the viewer I wondered if I turned into a dog and she was trying to hype of the walk we’re going to go on.  I guess I don’t love her as much as everyone else seems to.  I think Chris should do some of these announcement videos that are topics that he loves.  He’s better at it and is more believable, and has different facial expressions, and. and. and. Stupid @Midnight

  4. agamemnondx says:

    Only way this news can be better is if the episodes were gonna be Sherlock sized 90 minute telefilms.

  5. TikiGawd says:

    Time to get Duchovny on the podcast!

  6. Like to know what happened to William. Definitely stand alone episodes with little slips back to the past. Love it. Can’t wait

  7. Jon York says:

    Is that sweater from the Shining? Awesome

  8. you whistled the theme song so wrong haha here you go, this should help

  9. EgoMartini says:

    the lone gunmen are dead – they where killed by a biological weapon in in the episode “Jump the Shark” – that silly episode were a high-school had a biological containment unit for just in case the lone gunmen wanted to go out as hero’s. 

    “Look but don’t touch…” ya, that ain’t going to happen. I don’t know why anyone would be into the X-files story arc being deleted – zeroed – X-Files fans fought hard for story-line arc progress that couldn’t be taken back and I for one am way past Mulder and Scully making weird soap-opera eyes at each other – it’s established that they are in a relationship – lets go forward and not regress backwards. 

  10. Asta says:

    Yes yes,  let it be 6 stand alone episodes!  They were and are best at that,  Plus,  let’s keep Mulder and Scully away from romance, make it back to LOOK, BUT DONT TOUCH.  And what about Scully’s hair?  Red or blonde, short or long?  This is really imortant! And last, but not least, what about their baby, who is … what .. 13 years old now.