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Even More Hilarious (Fake) STAR WARS Auditions from SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE

In terms of upward career moves for aspiring actors, being cast in a Star Wars movie is a big one; just ask Daisy Ridley and John Boyega. Getting those roles certainly was no picnic, as it turns out that it’s super easy to mess up a high profile audition: Saturday Night Live previously got their hands on some totally real footage from the audition process for The Force Awakens, and now, they’ve decided to share some bonus clips, uploading an addendum to the original sketch yesterday.

Among the hopeful cast members who’d eventually snag the parts in The Force Awakens were more hopeless endeavors from an always enthusiastic and forever-dancing Janelle Monáe (played by Sasheer Zamata), Vanessa Bayer as “dork” Jennifer Lawrence talking about “friggin’ spaceships flying around and junk,” Taran Killim as a social media-obsessed Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and the real Matthew McConaughey giving a flat pitch to play Lando Calrissian. But even the Star Wars stars didn’t totally nail things on the first try—Boyega as a “more urbanized Stormtrooper” didn’t make it to the final cut.

In case you missed the original sketch that aired in November 2015, that one also knocked it out of the park, whether it was Cecily Strong as Sofia Vergara, Jon Hamm as “Hamm Solo,” Bobby Moynihan as a Coke Zero-obsessed George Lucas, and more top-rate performances that show just how crowded the field really was.

These are just sketches, yes, but maybe they can be helpful to the troubled production of the upcoming Star Wars flick, Rogue One, which is currently scheduled for some re-shoots ahead of its expected December theatrical debut. We’re just saying that if they need a shake-up in the cast, they could check if Vergara is available.

Let us know which of these stars you’d like to see in Episode VIII, and watch below to learn a few (potenitally spoilery) bits of info about the upcoming Star Wars adventure.


Image: Saturday Night Live

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