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Endurance Is Next in the FALLOUT 4 S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Series

Well, vault-dwellers, Vault-Tec has been kind enough to offer us several educational videos to better prepare for life out in the wasteland, as well as highlight the seven essential attributes that make every one of us S.P.E.C.I.A.L. We have already taken the time to brush up on the importance of Strength, as well as Perception. Now, it is time to get better educated on the importance of our Endurance. Make sure to take notes kids, because the wasteland in Fallout 4 is life’s ultimate final exam.

So, you know that building strength means carrying more items or being able to punch your way out of a situation, and perception helps you avoid or assess which situations to punch your way out. Sadly, not every threat in the wasteland is punchable. Endurance allows for vault-dwellers to be able to survive run-ins with things like radiation, dehydration, and hunger, as well as making sure a trip into the wasteland can last longer without the need to eat or drink anything. Endurance also allows for you to survive attacks and fights better by making you less-likely to sustain major damage or injury. You know, for when you ARE punching things.

Bethesda’s video series remains top notch with their wonderful blend of cheeky satire from 1950s educational videos and a dash hyper-violence for good fun. Ol’ Vault Boy really does keep taking a beating in these videos, but we can hope that next week’s Charisma video will allow for calmer conversations and interactions, and less death and dismemberment.

Which of the seven S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes do you plan to favor when Fallout 4 launches on November 10? Let us know in the comments below.

Image Credit: Bethesda Softworks

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