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Embrace Doom with These Dog and Cat Posters from Comic Series LEGEND

Embrace Doom with These Dog and Cat Posters from Comic Series LEGEND

We all love that adorable animal posters. We love snapshots of little kittens hanging from tree branches with the words “Hang in There” scrawled across the top. We love images of eagles soaring above the clouds with messages of pride and unity hovering below their mighty wingspan. Animals cheer us up and make us smile. Usually.

Not so in the graphic novel Legend, where dogs and cats embark upon a dark apocalyptic adventure. The animals in this story aren’t meant to inspire the warm and fuzzies. They are fighting for survival in a nonstop battle with monsters and darkness. With this in mind, it makes sense that to promote the book the creators made some of their own animal posters that are laced with doom, horror, and desperation. Instead of “Hang in There,” we get “Fight Together… or Die Alone!” Not quite as uplifting, right?

Ranging from somewhat off-putting to downright creepy, the posters thrust innocent pooches into scenes surrounded by monster teeth and bubbles filled with blood! That is some terrifying crap, people. Terror aside, this is one of the cooler ways to promote a comic that we’ve seen in some time. Each one of these is a framable piece of art, beautiful and unique.

We’ve hyped up the doom and gloom of these, and that’s certainly a big part of them, but there is also a glimmer of hope. When you’re feeling down, take a look at the poster featuring the dog and the cat watching the setting sun, with the words “Don’t Let Anyone Dull Your Sparkle” written across the top. Hits you right in the feels.

Z2 Comics will publish Legend on November 22nd and we have to tell you guys, it’s pretty freaking great. It’s a nightmarish tale with cats and dogs battling for survival in a Lovecraftian inspired nightmare. Writer Samuel Sattin and artist Chris Koehler have truly delivered and epic masterpiece. Seriously, you need to read this comic book. Koehler’s art is gorgeous and the flashbacks that are drawn by Sarah Hawkinson are stunning. Without a doubt, this is one of the year’s best books.

Check out the posters below and let us know which one is your favorite in the comments!

Images: Z2 Comics

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