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DRAGON BALL Z Characters Duke it Out in this Stop-Motion Video

The nerds of the world strike again with another stop-motion video. Instead of a Legend of Zelda clay rendition, this time we get something equally as awesome and exciting: a Dragon Ball Z fight. Using some sweet Dragon Ball Z action figures, YouTuber Jordan Tseng created a stop-motion fight sequence between Goku and a top-heavy Super Saiyan Broly.

This short minute-and-a-half video features all the moves and sound effects we’d expect, but things get wacky pretty quickly. Our great hero Goku is in a fight for his life against the oversized Broly and the baddie quickly gains the upper hand. Straight out of nowhere though, Goku gets a helping hand, which is literally a hand. By the title we can assume it is creator Jordan’s hand that’s coming into frame to save the day.

Like any good Dragon Ball Z fight, our heroes always win. It quickly becomes apparent that the fight is going down the toilet for Broly, with the battle finally climaxing with the toy-version of our villain getting flushed down the toilet.

The idea for this video was conceived through another stop-motion video the Toutube creator was working on — a review for the actual Broly action figure. We are just glad this is what came out of the original idea. It is obvious this guy has some talent, which is made evident by his assortment of stop-motion videos on his channel.

Hopefully the trend continues. Check out the full video above and let us know what other stop-motion videos you want to see made. As always, swing your way down to the comments section below and keep it over 9,000.

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