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Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock Trailer

Good day to you all! As reported here a few months ago, the BBC is releasing a Doctor Who video game for PS3, PC, and something called PS Vita. Well now we have a honest to Rassilon trailer to accompany it. The cut scene animation only looks slightly better than the downloadable adventure games from the past two years, but the gameplay looks pretty phenomenal. Plus, where else are you going to be able to fight against the Daleks, Cybermen, Silurians, and Silence all in one place? I mean, besides in your own room with your action figures. This game drops in March (and there’ll probably be XBox and Wii versions available at some point also – just a guess).

-Kanderson knows what he will be doing in March! Follow him on TWITTER

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  1. Johnny says:

    I love Doctor Who, I love video games… but this just doesn’t look very good. My fandom will get the better of me, and I will buy this. However, it is clearly just not going to be good.

  2. CXRengel says:

    This has to be a downloadable game.

    It reminds me of when I watched “Dreamland” – the animation was sub-par, but at least the voice-overs made it bearable. (The gameplay looks decent, though.)

  3. antiavenger says:

    I got an Xbox 360 so I’m hoping for a release on that. And while I think it doesn’t look that bad at all, I’m hoping it’s not a $15-$20 dollar game cause it doesn’t seem like one from what I’ve seen in that trailer (Note: I’m expected it to be a downloadable game over PSN and not be on a physical disk).

  4. Livius says:

    Day one buy for me after I pick up a Vita. Doctor Who Gaming on the Go!

  5. likeadog says:

    They made a Doctor Who, 3D, Platformer!? Why!? WHY!?? Who designed this game? I’ll probably still find a way to play this but I’m going to curse at the designers every time I miss a “grab spot.”

  6. Abbey says:

    Trying not to get too excited (especially since I only own a 360 not a PS3). Even if it does turn out to be not so good, I am glad they are giving it ago.

    As for the graphics, meh. It’s to be expected. If this does well maybe they will do a second and up the time/money put into the whole thing. For now they are just testing the waters.

    Though my whole “try not to get excited” plan is not going so well!

  7. Rachel says:

    I’m…… interested.

  8. Artemus says:

    This looks great! Quick question: will this be a physical game or a downloadable game through the PSN. I could have sworn it was advertised as through the playstation network