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DOCTOR WHO Spinoff CLASS Will Have LGBT Lead Character

Since its return in 2005, the Doctor Who universe has been one where people of different races, creeds, genders, and sexual orientations can feel welcome, and has (not always as much as it could) depicted people from different walks of life as heroic figures to look up to. This will extend to the upcoming young adult-aimed spinoff series Class. While we know next to nothing about the characters, aside from who will play them, we got a hint on Monday when the show’s writer and creator Patrick Ness tweeted that one of the lead characters will be LGBT.

In the wake of the tragic events in Orlando, Florida over the weekend, Ness, who is himself openly gay, attended a vigil in Cardiff, Wales, for the victims of the attack. Afterwards, he tweeted that one of Class‘ leads would be LGBT in a loving, open relationship and that it was going to be a secret but the secret no longer seemed important.

Ness also promised a lot of action and adventure having to do with aliens and whatnot in the new series, premiering this fall.

The series is set in Coal Hill School, the very same school that Clara Oswald (Jenna Coleman) taught, and is pitched as being about students dealing with “friends, love, sex, parents, school, and the occasional alien monster hell-bent on destroying Earth.” These are issues real young people have to contend with every day (minus the alien stuff, probably) so putting LGBT characters in the show is not some kind of stunt; it’s reflective of real life.

Previously, Doctor Who introduced the character of Captain Jack Harkness who is presented as “omnisexual” and who went on to have a monogamous relationship with Ianto Jones on the spinoff series Torchwood. It also presented a lesbian relationship in the form of Madam Vastra and Jenny. It’s completely on-brand—and very representative of fandom—to have this trend continue in another spinoff program.

Class will star Katherine Kelly (Mr. Selfridge, Happy Valley) as the mysterious teacher Miss Quill, and the main foursome of young alien fighters will be played by Greg Austin, Fady Elsayed, Sophie Hopkins, and Vivian Oparah. It will be on BBC America this fall.

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Featured Image: BBC America

Kyle Anderson is the Associate Editor and the resident Whovian for Nerdist. Follow him on Twitter!

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