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DOCTOR WHO Series 10 Episode Titles and Synopses Revealed

DOCTOR WHO Series 10 Episode Titles and Synopses Revealed

Less than a week out from a brand new series of Doctor Who, and, true to form, the show has divulged very little plot details—until now! Sure, we knew about Bill Potts (Pearl Mackie) being the first openly gay full-time companion; we knew John Simm would return as the Master; we knew the Cybermen, Daleks, and Ice Warriors are returning; we even knew who would write and direct all the episodes, but save for a few episode titles, we didn’t know anything else about the adventures themselves. Well, Steven Moffat has changed all that and given the Radio Times a guide to Series 10, and we’ve got some takeaways!

First, let’s get the episode titles and everything out of the way:

  1. “The Pilot” – Written by Steven Moffat, Directed by Lawrence Gough
  2. “Smile” – Written by Frank Cottrell Boyce, Directed by Lawrence Gough
  3. “Thin Ice” – Written by Sarah Dollard, Directed by Bill Anderson
  4. “Knock Knock” – Written by Mike Bartlett, Directed by Bill Anderson
  5. “Oxygen” – Written by Jamie Mathieson, Directed by Charles Palmer
  6. “Extremis” – Written by Steven Moffat, Directed by Daniel Nettheim
  7. “The Pyramid at the End of the World” – Written by Peter Harness & Steven Moffat, Directed by Daniel Nettheim
  8. “The Lie of the Land” – Written by Toby Whithouse, Directed by Wayne Yip
  9. “The Empress of Mars” – Written by Mark Gatiss, Directed by Wayne Yip
  10. “The Eaters of Light” – Written by Rona Munro, Directed by Charles Palmer
  11. “World Enough and Time” – Written by Steven Moffat, Directed by Rachel Talalay
  12. “The Doctor Falls” – Written by Steven Moffat, Directed by Rachel Talalay

WARNING: Embargoed for publication until 00:00:01 on 11/04/2017 - Programme Name: Doctor Who S10 - TX: 15/04/2017 - Episode: n/a (No. 1) - Picture Shows: ***EMBARGOED UNTIL 00:01hrs 11th APRIL 2017*** Doctor Who (PETER CAPALDI), Bill (PEARL MACKIE) - (C) BBC - Photographer: Simon Ridgway

Now, I’m not going to rehash all of the episode descriptions (go read them on the RT website if you want!), but there were a few things that got me thinking about the possibilities.

First, in Sarah Dollard’s episode—about Victorian monsters under the icy Thames—Bill evidently says this line: “So the TARDIS has dresses and likes a bit of trouble? I think I’m low-key in love with her.” I just think that’s a funny line.


Episodes 6, 7, and 8 are the three-parter concerning the evil monk we talked about before, but what we didn’t yet know is that the first of these, “Extremis,” featured Missy (Michelle Gomez). It appears that the book known as The Veritas (Latin for “The Truth”) drives any reader to suicide, so naturally it showing up online would be terrifying. This is followed by the Harness/Moffat co-written “The Pyramid at the End of the World,” which will find a pyramid suddenly appearing in a warzone between America, Russia, and China (ooof, too prescient). Harness’ previous two stories (“Kill the Moon” and the Zygon two-parter) are hyper political so this makes perfect sense to me. It also makes sense that the monks would be trying to provoke holy war, which ends with “The Lie of the Land” (fun double-meaning) and will have Bill the only one to see the truth clearly. It’s conceivable this three-parter could be devastating.

We were totally right, by the way, that Ice Warrior in “The Empress of Mars” is indeed a female, and it’s going to be a nice twist on the alien invasion angle (Earth invading Mars!).


I’m also incredibly intrigued by the final two episodes. First, that the Doctor apparently utters the line “My name is Doctor Who” which will probably piss people off to no end, but also that he appears to be on the back foot once again. The last episode is even entitled “The Doctor Falls,” and we DID see him start to regenerate in the most recent teaser. The Mondasian Cybermen were the reason the First Doctor regenerated in 1966, so it’s not out of the realm of possibility, is it?

These are just a few of our takeaways for the new series of Doctor Who. Do you have any? What are you expecting/hoping based on these synopses? Let us know in the comments below!

Doctor Who premieres Saturday April 15 at 9/8c on BBC America!

Images: BBC

Kyle Anderson is the Associate Editor and the resident Whovian for Nerdist. Follow him on Twitter!

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