Who says Tuesdays are dull? Not when we’ve got a new look at one of the signature tools of Earth’s Sorcerer Supreme in Marvel’s Doctor Strange! Also in today’s Movie Morsels, a new Star Trek Beyond Blu-ray bonus feature, a behind-the-scenes featurette on The Girl on the Train, and much more!
Doctor Strange
By the Deathless Vishanti! More so than perhaps any other Marvel superhero, Doctor Stephen Strange exists in a world entirely his own. Highly distinct enemies, allies, incantations, artifacts, and alternate planes of reality all earmark the universe of Earth’s Sorcerer Supreme; and one such artifact is highlighted in the latest TV promo for his big-screen debut. Watch the uncanny Cloak of Levitation work a little bit of its magic in the video below…
Alita: Battle Angel
The Angel is taking flight! After languishing in development hell for far too many years, the James Cameron-produced Alita: Battle Angel is finally in pre-production, and a cast befitting one of the first manga classics to break through among mainstream American comic readers is rapidly being assembled. The latest recruit is none other than Luke Cage‘s Big Bad, Cottonmouth (pictured above). Yes, actor Mahershala Ali is joining Rosa Salazar, Christoph Waltz, Jackie Earl Haley, Ed Skrein, and Keann Johnson when the film starts shooting in Austin this month. Ali’s character is described as “one of the movie’s villains, a man named Vector who runs and fixes matches in a gladiator-style combat game called Motorball.” With two high-profile comic book franchises to his name now, Ali’s own motor is running in high gear!
The Girl on the Train
Will The Girl on the Train prove as big a hit with filmgoers as the last two adaptations of New York Times bestselling novels, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and Gone Girl? The part of me that believes everything should happen in threes sure hopes so! So let’s get ourselves even more excited for this Emily Blunt-starring thriller with a new featurette on the film…
Star Trek Beyond
Star Trek‘s silver anniversary month may have come and gone, but we’re still celebrating 50Â years of fantastic space-faring adventure here at Movie Morsels. And Paramount is giving us yet another reason to rejoice with the Blu-ray release of the Enterprise’s most recent screen outing, Star Trek Beyond, on November 1st. Here’s a sneak peek of the title — or, more specifically, one of its bombastic bonus features. This one focuses on its most popular new character, Jaylah!
Harry Potter
Finally today… In case you missed it yesterday, we reported that the entire Harry Potter screen saga is getting a week-long IMAX release this month, leading up to the release of the franchise’s first-ever spinoff film, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them… Expelliarmus!
What do you think of toy’s top stories? Let us know below!
Featured Image: Marvel/Disney
Images: Warner Brothers, Netflix, Marvel, Disney